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Monday, September 21, 2015

From Hyperspace to Hyper GRACE

Day 260 of Photo Inspirations -- From Hyperspace to Hyper-Grace
I'm in awe at how far the graphics have come on video games today.  I well remember the 70s & 80s when Atari was the latest craze and my kids loved it.  It was a time when video gaming was just getting its start, with the introduction of one of our favorites -- Pong (a ping pong game) that consisted of  two paddles and a ball (no people).  It made for some serious competitions.   The screen resolution was so poor back then -- but we sure didn't care -- it was the latest, greatest thing in technology and we had a blast playing.  We also had Asteroids and Space Invaders. It was indeed a delightful period, but we had no idea how fast technology would accelerate.   I wish I still had that Atari game -- at least for the nostalgic value.  I still have the Nintendo 64 that we bought for our first grandson 20 years ago.  The grandkids -- no matter the age -- still love to pull it out and play it.

A few weeks ago, I heard a sermon by a minister who is about the same age as my son.  He talked about his Atari gaming days, playing Asteroids and Space Invaders.  He said he'd be so excited when he could push the HYPERSPACE button to make his rocketship disappear momentarily to escape being hit by asteroids or enemy space ships.  Then he segwayed into talking about our privilege of knowing God's HYPER-GRACE.

I loved that.  Isn't that what we've been given by God?  When it seemed like we were doomed for a life of destruction, hopelessness and despair, God's HYPER-GRACE gave us His ONLY son to die in our place, be buried and rose again to give us hope and life in abundance.  And His HYPER-GRACE is unlimited.  When we are out-of-power and the enemy is targeting us to take us down and out, His HYPER-GRACE shows up to take us over or under or around or through the circumstances.  And, the weaker we may feel, the stronger He gets.  He comes in like a armored tank with machine guns blazing and takes out the enemy altogether.

This scripture says it perfectly:  2 Corinthians 12:9 "But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for MY power is made perfect in weakness."  

We can trust Him because He is our faithful and strong God who oozes with the abundance of grace.   When we are weak, He strengthens us.   We are capable of far more than we can possibly think as we depend on Christ to uphold us and empower us. We can stand on His promises. He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. I don't need to know all of the details. I just need to know Him and His HYPER-GRACE that is sufficient for me!

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