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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Battle Difference Maker? A War Room

Day 248 of Photo Inspirations -- The Battle Difference Maker?  A War Room
Last night our Life Group went to see War Room.  It was so worth being out in the pouring rain to make the trek across Tulsa. Big bonus for us -- recliner seats -- would have been way too comfy if it had been a slow and boring movie.  But, not THIS movie.
War Room is a MUST SEE!  I can't emphasize it enough.  I once had a “war room” – in the early years of our marriage when finances were slim and the challenges we faced seemed insurmountable, but going into my closet (my war room), I was able to not only pray about being able to stand in the midst of the battle, but I received strategies straight from heaven to come out winning.
Years later and having my entire home as my war room, I am still a part of strategic planning and persevering to win in the battles I, and others, may face.  Do you ever wonder if prayer really works? You may be praying about something and the enemy (Satan) whispers “This is a waste of time. Forget it!  Who do you think you are?  What do you think you're doing?  God is not listening. Don't waste your time."

I know that prayer works because God is in control, and because He’s in control, we can trust His wisdom and His goodness.  I have seen the results of prayer in ways beyond being conceivable.

Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes."  Just think about that – if we can think it, we have to go bigger and greater – because that’s where God lives.  Over twenty times in the New Testament it says, "Ask."  It's encouraging to know that things that are out of my control are not out of God's.  I may not be able to change a situation but I can pray and God can change it.

In this movie, clearly we see the results of believing in God, especially knowing that “NOTHING is impossible for Him”.  He is not a genie in a bottle that we just rub and whoa-la we get what we ask for.  But He is FATHER GOD and He knows what’s best for us.  War Room is a movie that will not only entertain you with lots of comedic relief, provide you with real life situations that make you think someone peeked in on your life, but give you the motivation to create a War Room for your strategic planning sessions with God.

War Room is a fantastic film!!!  In addition to making you a better leader, it is one of the few movies which can truly change your life and your family's lives FOREVER.

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