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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Sower Sows and Sows and Sows

Day 240 of Photo Inspirations -- The Sower Sows and Sows and Sows
"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10.  That almost seems an impossible feat to find a place of quietness, a place to be still and a place without the so-easily-achieved distractions. That place to hear God's voice and feel His presence so near and dear.

I found it Sunday with other ladies when we went to St. Joseph's Monastery for a mini-retreat, and, oh, what a heaven-sent afternoon we had.

Sister Barbara Austin took us on a reflective journey about the Sower and the Word (seeds) from Mark 4:14-20, but more than the seeds, she talked about the Sower who sowed and sowed and sowed. He never ran out of seeds even though some fell on stony ground, some were devoured by birds, some fell among thorns and some fell on good ground.  But, bottom line, the Sower continued to have plenty of seeds. He just kept on sowing.

Sister Barbara's emphasis was on THE SOWER and what the seeds would do.   She said, "God is the Sower and His grace and generosity is abundant. He doesn't pay attention to the 'issues' that we have. Let Him just keep sowing and sowing in your life. Swim in His generosity. Then turn around and YOU be the sower of His generosity to the world."   I had never heard it expressed this way but it made such sense to consider Father God and His unlimited blessings in our lives -- those "seeds" He plants in us.  He is SO generous.

She sent us, individually, to other rooms or to the grounds to be still and meditate on the lavishness -- the undescribable generosity of God.  I found a quiet, peaceful little room -- and I knew I was in a holy place.  I thought about the Sower Who gives and gives and gives to us. Great is His faithfulness. I quietly sang this old song "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." I was in that place. I soaked in His generosity and left feeling "I have been with my God!"  I was still enough and quiet enough to KNOW He IS God!  I was full.

Just in case you can't seem to find a place where that peace is found, I highly recommend hanging out at a monastery -- a holy place where God is found not only in these precious sisters who have dedicated their loves wholly to God, but where the presence of God is almost tangible.

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