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Saturday, September 5, 2015

You Are Now Entering Your Mission Field

Day 244 of Photo Inspirations -- You Are Now Entering Your Mission Field
I was ALMOST booked to go on a missions trip to Korea and China in November with an amazing organization called Voice of China & Asia that is doing such an incredible work through their Bible ministry to the poorest of rural believers. Bibles are being legally printed in China but there is no Bible distribution system for over half of China’s population (600+ million) who live in rural areas. Here upwards of 14,000 new believers per day are professing Jesus Christ as Savior. But, they don’t have access to Bibles. Voice of China and Asia is filling this need by providing hundreds of thousands of Bibles for them.  That's what I'll be a part of, hopefully, in April, next year.

But not going with the team in November, doesn't mean that I, daily, don't have a mission to fulfill. In fact, when I leave my home and when I walk through my door, I'm entering my mission field. Missions:  an important assignment carried out for going out into the world and spreading faith and good news. Jesus said in Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." And I love St. Francis' words "Preach the Gospel at all times, and sometimes use words".

What is our mission field?  I believe it is to everyone that we encounter on a daily basis.  The clerk at the store, little children, the homebound, the family next door, the yard man, our own families & friends, our neighbors -- just anyone we have the opportunity to BE A BLESSING to and share the LIGHT of Christ with.

Perhaps, we need to develop a Mission Statement for our lives that keeps us focused on our calling to missions.  In Genesis 12, where God makes His covenant with Abram. God tells Abram that He will make him into a great nation and that He will bless him. And then, what God says to him in the last part of verse 2 just may be our Mission Statement, too.  "You will be a blessing."

That's it -- whatever we do, wherever we go, whoever we encounter -- our mission is "TO BE A BLESSING".  Isn't that a great way to live?  On purpose, outside of us 4, and no more -- TO BE A BLESSING here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, or there in your school or office building or community club or PTA or YMCA -- BE A BLESSING, and in doing that.....we will be IN OUR MISSION FIELD!!!

1 comment:

  1. How can I get permission to use the "You are now entering your mission field" picture in this article for one of my powerpoint presentations?


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