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Thursday, October 8, 2015

I Am A Promise and I'm Something Special

Day 277 of Photo Inspirations -- I Am A Promise & I'm Something Special
#TBT  When my children were little, we always had them singing  little Gospel songs that had such great messages in them. But there were none greater than two of Bill Gaither's songs:  "I Am A Promise" and "I'm Something Special".

Both songs were so self affirming that spoke of the potential and possibilities that God had for them. Honestly, that's where it started with our children.  We taught them how precious and valuable they were.  We taught them that with God's help, they could do anything that they wanted to.  We taught them to speak positive.  "I can't" words weren't allowed.  "I can" words were God's words and we insisted they be our words.
And that affirmative atmosphere was a core value in how we lived our lives, and those two children carried on in this mindset and those core values continue in their families today.  These two children were our greatest assets and investing in them by purposefully speaking into them the possibilities that God had for them was our mandate from God .   We spoke God's Word to them: "Nothing is impossible with God" and "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you" and "You are more than conquerors".  They believed it and it was settled in their hearts.  

My FB friends and families, I implore you to invest in your God-given, precious assets.  Don't leave it for them to figure out.  Cultivate their abilities.  Strengthen and encourage them, and keep reminding them how beautiful, how smart, how gifted and talented they are.  Before long, it will be ingrained in them and they will be the remarkable and brilliant world changers that you hoped they would be.
At what age do you start?  When they are in your womb.  Speak God's words into them. At what age is it too late to start?  Never is it too late.  I still speak into my two children on a daily basis. "You are a mighty woman of God/man of God.  You are blessed and highly favored.  If God be for you, who can be against you.  You are a chamption and a winner. For such a time as this, God called you to this place."

Deuteronomy 11:18-19 says: "Remember my words in your hearts and souls. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your foreheads to remind you. Teach them well to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up."

Here's the words of those two great songs:


Ryan sang this verse:
"I have a little sister who’s not at all like me.
She can write a lovely poem, but I can climb a tree."

Then Staci sang this:
"My brother though is different, with freckles on his nose,
When my questions need answers, he’s the one who knows."

They both sang this verse:
That's why I'm something special.  I'm the only one of my kind.
God gave me a body and a bright healthy mind.
He had a special purpose that He wanted me to find.
That's why I'm something special.  I'm the only one of my kind.


I am a promise, I am a possibility
I am a promise with a capital “P,”
I am a great big bundle of potentiality
And I am learning to hear God’s voice,
And I am trying to make the right choice
I’m a promise to be anything God wants me to be.

I can go anywhere that He wants me to go
I can be anything that He wants me to be
I can climb the high mountains
I can cross the wide sea
I’m a great big promise you see!

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