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Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Day 301 of Photo Inspirations -- DisAPPOINTMENT or His APPOINTMENT
Did some-ONE or some-THING really disappoint you?   We can't stop disappointment, but we can stop staying stuck in it. I know how easy it is to dwell on something or someone that hurt me.  But, that gets us nowhere.  I remember the void I felt when my sweetheart graduated to heaven.  When I would dwell on that void, sadness and grief would try to fill me and I would become miserable.  But, when I would snap out of that dwelling place to go to the "secret place of the Most High" -- the better place, I'd experience joy, gladness, comfort and peace.  .

God has incredible plans for us and the enemy of our souls would like to keep us from ever experiencing those plans and just stay "put" in woe and distress. God's purpose for our lives goes way beyond times of disappointment. In fact, that disappointment today may just be the SET UP for His APPOINTMENT where hope is found and comeback has major assignments that produce many successes and joys. That's what happened to me.  My days are filled with purpose and I know that I'm walking in my destiny, getting to bring others with me on this road.

I saw Christine Caine's daily post a few days ago that really inspired me. She said "Isn’t it interesting that the word "appointment" comes from within the word disappointment? I’ve often marveled at that because I’ve seen again and again how disappointments take something FROM us: a dream, a piece of our hearts – maybe whole chunks of it. But disappointment GIVES us something too: a gift, an opportunity, the possibility of creating change. This means we can move from the valley of the shadow of death to new horizons and bring others with us on that road."

Yesterday my blog was about the steps of a comedian's joke.  First he provides the set up, then he goes another direction with the punchline.  For example, Michael Jr. told how his 4 year old son came to him and said, "Daddy I want to be a doctor when I grow up!"  Michael Jr. was so excited and happy about his son's aspirations.  Then his son said "Or a dinosaur!" LOL!  (The set up.....shift happened.....and then the punchline.)

Let's remember God is in the "set-up" and appointment business.  There are many future God-appointments on the other side of whatever disappointment we may be encountering today.

God has got your name on His appointment schedule.  He'll be right on time.  Don't you be a minute late!

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