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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

An Angel on Assignment

Day 358 of Photo Inspirations -- An Angel on Assignment
We hear a lot about angels at this time of the year -- the angel Gabriel's announcement to old Zechariah announcing that he and his old, barren wife, Elizabeth, were going to have a baby, then Gabriel appears to the virgin Mary and Joseph to announce the coming birth of Jesus, and then at the birth of Christ, angels appeared to the shepherds who were guarding their flock. So with that special awareness of angels at this time of year, to hear this sweet story a couple of nights ago, just compounded my belief that angels are really, for real and they are on assignment, even today, and at times when we least expect them.

At a dinner party on Monday night, precious Whitney Jones shared a story she had held in for fifteen years -- at least to the Wallace Family. She shared...."When I was 11 years old, I was taking care of Payton who was only about one year old. I was feeding him goldfish crackers, when all of a sudden he started choking. I patted him on his back, raised his hands in the air, but nothing seemed to help. He started turning blue. I was crying and so afraid, when all of a sudden someone burst into the room and stuck their finger into his throat and pulled out the cracker. Payton quickly recovered and was just fine. Later, I cried and cried as I told my Mom the story." Whitney went on to share how sorry she had held that story in so long, but as she sees Payton serving God and is such an amazing servant that she knows God's hands are on him. (Payton plays the piano and drums and is part of the stage crew at church. In fact, he'd live at the church if he could. He loves serving God that much.)

Indeed, an angel showed up that night for Whitney and Payton. In reality, did the angel show up for Payton's benefit, or for helping Whitney know, at that young age, that she's not alone and that she was just beginning to see God's hand of blessing on her life, and that, she too, was going to be used mightily by God? Whitney is a gifted vocalist. I heard her sing "Mary Did You Know?" in the church's Christmas program this week. There is no question that she sings from a heart that's being touched by God.

This is Whitney, her precious little one year old daughter, and Payton in my photo inspiration today. God's timing was perfect for her to share this story with us -- not only as a testimony to God's faithfulness then, but, like Mary, to know the significance of angels in her life. What a great Mom she'll be as she raises her little girl to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52. Whitney learned from her experiences, just like all of us do. And those experiences are "those things that work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes". Romans 8:28.

How many times have we encountered angels and we didn't realize it? How many times have they protected us from accidents and harm? How many times did they warn us or make an announcement to us?

The angel speaking to the shepherds said, "FEAR NOT, for I bring you the GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY." (Luke 2:10). And, I believe the angels are declaring those words to you and I today. It is possible to have peace and joy, like the shepherds had, right in the middle of the darkest night.

What is bringing you fear today? Christmas isn't a happy time for everyone. Many people are facing debilitating illness, financial stress, or may be facing this Christmas alone for the first time. Listen once again to the angel's words...."Do not be afraid -- I bring you good news of great joy!" It is the same good news of great joy that the angels declared over 2000 years ago. Picture the God of the universe handing you his Son, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Hear Him say, "Don't be afraid of anything….ever. I give you peace. I give you comfort. I give you hope. I give you GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY! I give you JESUS."

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