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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This is What Prayer, Faith, and Giving God First Place Looks Like

Day 343 of Photo Inspirations -- This is what Prayer, Faith, and Giving God First Place Looks Like
In an upside down world where many folks prefer hanging out in the darkness more than THE LIGHT-- the ones who want prayer out of schools, the marketplace, their homes, their work and even their lives -- how delightful it is when those of us who live in the LIGHT.....see that lightly shining so brightly.

Case in point.......while attending a meeting at Christ the King Church on Monday, I walked down the halls of its Marquette School. I saw these posters made by their students and, yes, I was inspired -- thus my photo inspirations for today. It blessed me to see what a Christian education looks like -- especially in the likes of these posters. This is really what a foundation of prayer, faith, serving and giving God first place in our children's lives looks like.

I felt God's peace as I walked those halls. I sensed this was a place where God is talked about a lot. It's a place where the 10 Commandments is not only taught....but it's where they're being lived out by faculty and students. It's a place where they are not afraid to evangelize and form disciples who enthusiastically bring Christ home with them to their families and friends while they are being developed into strong men and women. They are receiving a solid base of values that will hopefully be their constant throughout the rest of their lives: respect, faithfulness, compassion, love for each other. Are mistakes made there? No doubt there are. But, it's also a place of finding forgiveness.

I'm by no means making this a post to sell my FB friends on this particular school, but I am advocating that what our world needs is love, sweet love, and a leaning into God's love and His Word AND Light that teaches us the ways to live a blessed and overcoming life. When His Light is diminished, when He is taken out of our schools, our workplaces, our homes and our lives.....we open ourselves up for the enemy and His darkness to come in -- to do what he does best -- to kill, steal and destroy. Clearly, during this beautiful season of Advent and Christmas -- we open our eyes to what Christ brought with Him when He left His throne in glory to come here...."He came to give us LIFE (not death) and LIFE more abundantly!" Good news is.....His LIGHT can NEVER be put out.

Like a Good Savior.....God's ALWAYS there!

"In Him was life, and that life brought LIGHT to humanity. And the LIGHT shines on in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out." John 1:4-5

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