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Monday, December 14, 2015

Who Are You Hanging Out With?

Day 349 of Photo Inspirations -- Who Are You Hanging Out With?
On Saturday, I went for my monthly weigh-in at Weight Watchers.  For 30+ years, Weight Watchers has been my accountability and sustainability partner to keep this girl in line when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight.  I reached my goal weight many years ago, but I still go in to be sure I'm still at goal.....and, it's a great way to be sure I'll stay on point for the Christmas holidays.

I've been wanting to highlight one of Weight Watchers leaders, Renny Berry​, for quite some time, and on Saturday, after visiting with him just a few minutes, I knew now was the time.  Often, when I go in for my monthly weigh-in, I see Renny there -- Mister Cheerleader extraordinaire -- ever cheery, energetic, effervescent, upbeat, and enthusiastic.   On Saturday, when I went in -- he was his usual self -- going to each member as they came through the door with hugs and doling out life-giving words that made each one feel like they were sincerely loved and appreciated.
Yes, we were "drinking the Renny koolade".  His computer was down so he couldn't help most of the ladies, but because I'm a lifetime member, he could weigh me and note my progress.  That's when I was able to tell him how much he blessed me each time I came in and how I would sure like to interview him for my blog.  He told me he could sum up who he is in one word.... "GRATITUDE".  He said, "Before I get out of bed every day, I think of 12 things I'm grateful for.  Living with an attitude of gratitude makes all the difference."  Immediately, I knew we were on the same "gratitude" page.

I, typically, just go in for my monthly weigh in, but, this day, he urged me to stay for the meeting, and I was so glad I did.  Not only was I inspired by his training about living a healthy lifestyle, hearing his own weight loss and well- being journey, but his overall optimism caused us to feel like we can accomplish anything with the right tools, goals, and undaunted persistence and determination.

As he spoke, I looked around the room and saw these posters that put everything Renny said into perspective.  I thought...."what a place to be -- this was a safe place -- it was an encouraging place -- it was a postive place".  And I thought about those of us who often hang out with negative folks, on purpose.  I thought about those who watch negative tv shows and listen to negative commentary on the radio, read it online and they just settle there.  And, have you noticed, negativity attracts negativity?  

I don't know about you, but I'm determined to go to places and hang out with folks that build me up, make me strive to be a better me, and make me look at the brighter side of life (one caveat is -- "unless God has me mentoring someone who needs my encouragement").  I think I'll just keep hanging out at church, at motivational meetings, at Weight Watchers, and with optimistic friends and family.  I like the way Jim Rohn puts it...."You can't soar with eagles if you're hanging out with turkeys."

I think I'll go soaring with my eagle friends today!

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