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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Falling in Love with God

Day 6 of the Month of Love -- Falling in Love with God
A service technician was at my home a few days ago and in conversation, I invited him to my church. His response was "Oh, no thank you, Mam. Don't get me wrong -- I believe in God -- I just don't go to church." Our conversation moved to his telling me about his 7-year old son and how much he loves him, and how much his son loves him. He showed me a tattoo on his arm that had his son's name engraved on it. He said he explained to his son "I love you so much that I put your name on my arm. You are always on my mind." You know where I'm going with this. I was able to talk a little more about God's love for him and how God even has his name written in the palm of His hand. I'm believing that I planted some little seeds in his life -- and God will woo him to Himself.

The greatest commandment is this: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind" (Matthew 22:37). So simple, so important, so transforming. This is the one thing God most desires. I’m so grateful that God loves us and that He keeps working on us. Maybe it was part of God's plan for that technician to come to my house so that this little lady could be "a laborer in his pathway". (Matthew 9:37,38)

How DO we go from "believing in God" to REALLY falling in love with Him?

Here's how my love for God grows......
1) I think about Him. For me, loving God is one of the easiest things to do because, after all, everywhere we look -- He is there. The more I think about Him, acknowledge His presence in my life, recognize Him in EVERYTHING -- people, nature, circumstances, etc., the more deeply I fall in love with Him. I think about how amazing He is as Creator, how selfless He is as a Savior. I think about how good He is to me. I think about specific blessings He has given me and all He has saved me from. I contemplate how incredible it is that the God of the universe cares about me.

2) I tell Him I love Him. When I tell God I love Him, I find the words are very true. It's even more powerful when I tell him why I love Him.

3) I spend time in His presence. No relationship can grow without time spent together. The same is true with our relationship with God. When I determined to set aside specific time for prayer, my love for Him started increasing. I also listen to music that helps to focus my attention on Him and helps me worship and love Him more. (I wrote about this in my posts over the last couple of days.)

4) I endeavor to do everything out of love for Him. From my church ministry, Life Group, volunteering, to my everyday tasks and chores, my motives make all the difference. When I choose to do a task out of love for God, my love for Him grows. It’s a mental task of consciously giving the activity to God as an offering. Maybe this is part of what He means by when He says, “Love God with all your mind.”

We can all work at loving God more. I know I’m still living out my faith journey, but I'm on assignment to urge others (like my service technician) to fall in love with God, too. It’s one of the most important trademarks of a Christian -- to help others learn to love Him with all their hearts. And the best way to teach others is to model OUR love for God.

To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances.
To seek Him is the greatest of all adventures.
To find Him is the greatest of all achievements.

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