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Sunday, May 29, 2016

What Color Is Your Angel?

Staci and I were getting out of the car at the store, when Staci ran over to a nearby parked car. One of the ladies was getting out all the tools needed to change a flat tire, while the other lady was looking at a YouTube video telling how to do it. (LOL! Thank God for the internet!) A baby was in the backseat of the car. It was a sight to behold. Everyone was in good spirits about their dilemma. Staci exclaimed “Let me help. And if we can’t fix it, I’ll call my husband, but in the meantime, let’s pray for an angel!” The words were no sooner out of her mouth, when a robust, beautiful African American man came over to the car, and took over this situation from this motley crew of women. Staci said, “I was praying for an angel to show up and my theory is true: Angels aren’t just white. They’re also black, which also verifies my theory that Jesus wasn’t white either.“ LOL! Oh my! Now we know where “And such is life with Lexi” comes from, because the originator of the “Such is life” came from her and it’s “And such is life with Staci!” By the way, the young man had the tire changed and the ladies were on their way in just a few minutes.

I’ve loved hanging out with my daughter since she was a little girl. Her humor was always one of her best attributes. She has always had the ability to make me laugh, and on this trip, she was in rare form again. The night before the party, one of Payton’s friends came over for the first time. Payton warns his friends, in advance, that they will be interrogated by his mother, and, oh yes, she did interrogate this young man. Questions like “Do you have a prison record?”, “Do you know how to use a gun?” “Do you have any secrets that we need to know about?” The young man, unshakened and prepared for the interrogation, fired back with equally quick and hilarious responses. I was so glad I was there to witness it.

In the tire-changing story, I saw my girl willing to step in and help some women in trouble. I’ve seen her do that before when at a car-crash scene, she runs to the victims and asks how she can help, and even prays for them. In the interrogation story, though she uses her straight face humor to inquire about the friends her kids are hanging out with, she cares enough about her kids to go there. And, at the same time, I saw those kids, Friday night, cheering for her to sing for them and hang with them. What’s that about? It’s the magnetic draw that God places in us when we abandon our comfort to be a light for those around us.

I wish I had my daughter’s quick wit and ability to be as responsive to the needs of others as she does. But, with the abilities God gave me, I can do what I can. And so can you. That light within us will shine at a mall, at a party filled with high energy kids, at a football field when a player is injured and a Mom says “Let’s pray” to those nearby, at a store when someone needs a smile or over the phone with a friend who needs to hear an encouraging voice. No matter “the style”, God wants us to be His ambassador or His ANGEL – His hands extended to a world that needs our humor, our generosity, our love and our care.

John 13:34-35
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

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