My oldest grandson is a firefighter and paramedic, so he falls into that category. A First Responder are professionals who are likely to be among the first people to arrive at and assist at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack. THANK YOU, First Responders, for your service, commitment and dedication to others.
Perhaps your heart is so big, that, you too, could be considered a First Responder because of your willingness to run toward a need instead of running away from it. I've been around many First Responders in my lifetime. I've witnessed big-hearted people who put aside their agendas to serve and help someone in need. And, while I've seen others be the recipients of the care and love of First Responders, I, too, saw those who heard about my husband's health diagnosis and went to immediate prayer, brought over meals that said "We care", those who called us and said "What can I do to help?" There were those who offered advice to us when they heard we were facing a similar situation to what they had been through -- and they could help us through it. Then there were those who came over and mowed our lawn or cleaned our home and those who gave me a massage gift certificate and offered to stay with my sweetheart while I was away from him for a couple of hours. There were those who gave to help with our huge medical bills and those who sent cards and words of encouragement. there was a sweet nurse who gave her timely freely to help us. All of those were FIRST RESPONDERS to our needs.
No doubt, we are blessed with the professional First Responders who daily risk their lives for others and I am so grateful for them. But, in a "self-serving" and "what's-in-it-for-me?" world, how commendable and encouraging it is to see there are those out there who do put others first. They are like the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a beatened man, put him on his donkey, took him for medical care, and even paid his entire bill. (Luke 10:25-37). That was the response after Jesus said "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." And the lawyer said "Who is my neighbor?" That's the question for us today. Who are our neighbors? The folks who agree with our religious, ethical, and political persuasions or does God call us to be FIRST RESPONDERS to each and everyone regardless whether or not we think alike.
I loved it when, after my two grandsons and their two friends had face-painted each others faces, that they wanted to stand out on a round-about in their neighborhood and flag down cars to help support Chloe -- a friend of theirs that has just been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. "Cups 4 Chloe, Relieve Stress with $2 Stress Balls". In just a few hours of selling lemonade and stress orbeez balls, they raised nearly $160. FIRST RESPONDERS. Kids do it -- no questions asked. Why don't we?
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