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Sunday, November 20, 2016


I'm taking it all in -- that is -- applauding, giving high 5s and standing ovations to those moments, events, accomplishments and celebrations of my precious friends and family. In the words of Émile Zola, French Nobel Prize winner in 1901, “If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will tell you, I came to live out LOUD.” This LOL is Living Out Loud AND Laughing Out Loud!!

Yesterday I was explaining to someone that I'm not a "rocking chair" grandmother. No offense, if that's your gig -- then rock on, Baby! But, for me, I'm setting some big goals for next year, and I won't accomplish them if I take a laid back approach. In fact, I told her that I just might renew my Private Pilot's License and get to all these travel locations much faster!

To me, living out loud means living life with passion, being open to possibilities, and reaching for the stars.....well, at least the top of trees! Living-Out-Loud is having the freedom to live, laugh, and love. It means deliberately choosing to be inspired and motivated enough to live without limits -- or just getting off the couch and doing something! It means letting go of fear, getting gutsy and getting going.

Living-out-loud is unique to everyone. The point is to use our talents, enthusiasm and drive to make a difference in our day and our world. Here's some "Living Out Loud" strategies that we can put to good use:

~ 1. To immediately upon waking up, think positive thoughts. Put yesterday behind us. Refuse to hit the snooze button.

~ 2. Take a deep breath and express our gratitude for being alive. Take long walks or runs and while we’re at it, observe the sights and sounds around us and be thankful we can see and hear.

~ 3. Be adventurous. This one I own -- especially in this season that I'm taking one day at a time and living it to its fullest -- and if I get asked to go on a hike or bike ride or a bungy jump or obstacle course -- I'll be in it to win it!

~ 4. Hang with difference makers -- those people who are optimistic and cause us to reach outside our comfort zone and help others get out of theirs. Bold, fun, audacious, silly, risk takers -- this crowd honestly believes the best is yet to come, and they do what they can to make it happen. Who wants to hang with those "gloom and doom and despair" folks that turns a perfectly beautiful, sunny day to a cloudy day?

~ 5. Be open to new opportunities. Social media -- blogging, Facebook, Twitter have allowed me to connect and know people from all over the planet. The world is changing faster than anyone can keep up. This is a time of rapid growth and opportunity. With today’s technology and information, we have the power and the tools to fill our days with delight, insight, knowledge and celebration.

~ 6. Be present to take in God's signs and wonders. This is one I cultivate daily. I purposely choose positive thoughts and intentions. If a stray negative thought creeps in, I quickly change the channel. Watch and listen for new ideas and creativity. Take time to enjoy and appreciate family, friends, food, music, children, blue skies, sunshine and ordinary moments. Invest time in our relationships, have dinner with the good china and even by candlelight. Nothing is more important than the love we regularly give and receive

~ 7. Choose positive intentions and thoughts. Do good, serve others. Don’t bother with judgment, gossip, or comparisons.

~ 8.. Fall in love with life. Give our lives everything we've got. Write that book, take that vacation or call that date. Dance in the rain. We just may not pass this way again, so let's make the moments count.

Once we stop just drifting through life or taking the easy way out or the 3rd row in the roller coaster.....we just might find a new zest for life that propels us to higher heights and deeper depths than we've ever now. I don't know about you, but I came to live OUT LOUD!

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