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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Worship = Blessings

I can’t resist – one more post about the Wise Men. Last Sunday (the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord), Father Brian O’Brien who is the President of Bishop Kelly High School in Tulsa, gave a most beautiful explanation of the magi’s visit to the Holy Family. What stood out to me the most was his take on the final line of the scriptures of that story. After they had worshipped the newborn King, “Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.” Matthew 2:12.

That verse has two connotations. One, they had been worshipping the newborn King and out of that intimacy, God spoke to them and revealed dangers up ahead. After all, King Herod’s plans were to kill all the little boys because he suspected one of them would take his throne. God looked out for the magi because they gave their best in worship to His Son. What about us? How about when we go into that secret place with God and we honor Him by our worship, aren’t we being wise children of the Most High? God is no respecter of persons. Why wouldn’t He give us wisdom for our future and the dangers that could lie up ahead and why wouldn’t He instruct us to go another way instead of the way we had planned?

The 2nd connotation is the Wise Men did go a different way. What about us and the plans we made for ourselves – those goals, resolutions and plans? Proverbs 16:9 says “A man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” When we live a faith-filled life of trusting God, we can expect His wisdom and direction.

Psalm 37:23 says “ The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delights in his way.” If the Wise Men had a dream that sent them another direction, we can be confident that if our plans are altered, it will be for our good and in our best interest to take that different path. Just maybe our plans are not God’s plans, and if we are willing to be tweaked, then like the Wise Men, we, too, will be wise enough to listen and walk in the steps He lays out for us. Imagine the pitfalls, detours, side roads and other off track places God could keep us from, as we surrender to follow Him.

Like the Wise Men, may we worship our King of all Kings, and then listen for His voice. After all He knows short cuts and secret passageways to get us to where we need to go -- safe and sound. After all, Father KNOWS best!

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