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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Beautiful Day!

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Beautiful Day!
Joy, Hope, Peace, Comfort, Life Everlasting Came This Morning! Jesus' tomb wasn't for the dead. It was a birthing roomfor new life. That tomb became a Delivery Room.

The Apostle Peter said in Acts 2:24 "God raised Jesus up, loosing the PANGS of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it." That word, "pangs", is associated with labor and childbirth, so on that early "3rd Day" morning (probably 12:00 am -- God just could not allow His Son to be in that tomb one minute longer), so He must have said "It's time to get the SON up!" That tomb became the Delivery Room for the Son of God. Can you imagine that tomb was about to explode because of the POWER that was getting ready to burst forth. Notice that scripture again "because IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE for Him to be held by it." I remember Johnny Cash singing "Ain't no grave gonna' hold my body down!" And that song is not only true about the Son of God, but also you and me!

Our Lord LIVES, and SO DO I. Everyday is a new, bright resurrection morning, because of Christ's death, burial and rising to live forevermore. Only God can bring life out of a season of death. God just can't leave death well enough alone, can He?

Perhaps, today, you are still living in the ashes of remorse, brokenness, depression, and a tomb is holding you back. You are still alive. Go ahead and put your hand over your heart. If it's beating, God has a destiny and mission for you to fulfill. You could have been born sometime in history, but you weren't. You're here now, so the resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives big in you. Let Him turn your tomb into a Delivery Room to your new life today! Romans 8:11 "The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you!"

Indeed it is a beautiful morning! He LIVES! Christ Jesus lives today. He'll walk with you and talk with you and tell you, ,you are His own! You ask me how I know He lives. He lives within my heart! Happy Resurrection Morning!

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