Good Tuesday Morning, dear friends and family! We've just landed in Frankfurt, Germany for our transfer to Rome. We should be in Rome by noon (we're 7 hours ahead of you while we're in Rome.
God does orchestrate our steps because the first couple I met in Houston on this tour, is a lovely Philippino couple who are absolutely God-sent. Mick & Sheila went to Rome three days ago to be with Pope Francis in celebration of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Golden Jubilee -- the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church that started during the "Duquesne Weekend" on February 17-19, 1967, so we'll meet up with them there. So God sent me two precious angels to sincerely treat me like a family member. Ruby, exuded such joy as we casually talked in the beginning. I learned of their love for God and serving Him in so many capacities. Tony is a Director of Christian Education at their church, sings in the choir and she is a teacher in a Christian school. As I learned more, I learned that Ruby just received the "all clear" report from her long treatments of cancer. She never stopped teaching and serving in their church and now, they are celebrating their faith and answers to prayer on this pilgrimage. What a blessing to have met them.
While we waited for our departure from Houston to Frankfurt, I became known already as Miss Congeniality (as dubbed by my fellow travelers.) LOL!. I figure "If you want friends, show yourself friend!" I introduced myself to all those going on the pilgrimage. So, on our long 10 hour flight, all those folks would pass my seat and say "Hi Donna!" We all agreed, "for all the things we've ever done wrong in our lives, we must have done something right for God to afford us this amazing pilgrimage opportunity."
As only God could orchestrate, the seat between myself and another tour traveler, a handsome young 20-year old man, Omar, sat between us. He fasted through our dinner meal, refused water or drinks of any kind. I asked, "Did you eat before the flight?" He said, "No, I'm fasting." My curiosity peaked! "Why are you fasting -- a health issue or spiritual?" His reply..."Spiritual. It's Ramadan (a month-long, sun up to sundown fasting) and I'm Muslem and I am searching for the truth. I want to read the Bible. I sincerely want a spiritual life again." Me: "What does your fasting accomplish?" Omar: "I fast for those who have no food or who live in poverty." Me: "I admire your dedication and your quest for truth." Our conversation continued with his view of Christ as a prophet, and my faith and knowing Christ as Messiah and Lord of all. Then, as only God would line up -- he read his Quran in Arabic as I read my Bible. As we parted ways, I sensed God's love for that young man and I encouraged him to read our New Testament so he will come to know Christ as more than a prophet. I pray Holy Spirit draws Omar to Himself.
As we waited for our flight to board, this beautiful Swahili girl sat across from me. She knew just a little English, and when I asked about her huge trophy, she just won it in the Marseille France OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE for first place in running.
Here's what I've come to KNOW and declare so far: "Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white -- they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!"
Until love to all!
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