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Monday, August 7, 2017

But the Greatest of These is Love

I am not a debater -- never desired to be, EXCEPT for when my husband and I had some “discussions” (that’s what we called our disagreements that the kids witnessed). If I knew that I was right, I would be like “stuck on glue” to debate my position to prove my case. When he would cave in and concede that I was right (or just to make for peace), it brought me a sense of great pride and joy, but it certainly didn’t add “sugar and spice” to our relationship. Over the years I relented from having to be right all the time .It wasn't worth the struggle. I didn’t want to be a “know-it-all”. I wanted to be a lover who prided herself more on love, peace and harmony than having to "win" the game of having to be right. To this day, I steer clear of disagreements as best I can. I desire to be a lover -- not a debater.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been challenged to be a debater. Out of the blue, I’ve been in communications with two individuals who seemed bound and determined to persuade me that there is no God, so there is therefore no need to pray, and convince me that “religion” is the cause for the world’s problems, etc. etc. Rather than get into a theological debate with either, I simply shared my story. I remembered that debating and having to be right with my husband, only led to a disconnect. But authenticity and warmth brought about understanding and harmony. More than winning the debate with those two individuals, I determined to just let my little light shine, and hopefully, that light might start to penetrate the darkness. I knew the only way to share was to express love.
This was my latest communication.

"I understand that you believe that organized religion is responsible for the mess in our world. But, honestly, for me, it's not about religion. I'll admit there's some wack-o people out there and what they do for their "religion". I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about my belief in God -- the One revealed in Jesus, who looks nothing like the evil in our world.

Jesus Christ has given this gal unbelievable peace, joy, comfort and great hope for today and my future. Maybe it sounds like the "Good Ship Lollipop" thinking, and if it's a fallacy and at the end of this life, against everything I believe, that I believed a lie, it would still have been worth it. I have been a joy-filled, peace-filled, love-filled daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and friend who loves to serve and encourage others on a daily basis. I will have left a legacy of a good heart and soul. If what I believe is true, however, at the end of my life, I will hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful. Enter into my joys." And if there is no God (which I utterly believe is not true), I know at least my family and friends will say "She was a good and faithful servant and friend." It's a win-win for me either way! Let me insert here that I've made many mistakes along the way, but I'm so thankful that God loves me enough to correct me, forgive me and forget. What an awesome role model for fathers is my Heavenly Father.

Here is really what I believe:
I believe that Jesus called us to love people unconditionally. I love YOU, my friend.
I believe that any time anybody claims to follow Jesus but they do not love people, they are not following Jesus.
I believe that if what I practice is true, then these practices will help me love others more.

Yes, I know that there are lots of "religious" things about Christianity with which you object. But please know that none of that is important if it doesn't help me love others like Jesus. If they don't help me love others, then they probably aren't true. And if they do help me love others, I hope you will be able to see it in my life, and many others.

Christianity isn't about proving others wrong (and I apologize if that's what it sounds like I'm trying to do), but about proving that others are loved. So, go ahead and believe what you will. As for me and my house, we will serve God. I believe God is alive and He lives in my heart. If you knew me and had seen the changes in my life and seen the awesome miracles I've seen, you'd believe in Him as well.

Thank you for these interactions via email, because, more than anything, it's made me look a little closer at my life and how much more I need to reflect the love of Jesus Christ to a world that needs His love. In the words of the great philosopher, Dionne Warwick (LOL!), "What the world needs now is love sweet love, it's the only thing that there's just too little of".

Hopefully, I looked a little like Jesus to these individuals, because as John 12:32 says, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." Hopefully, I lifted Him up enough that it will draw those two to Himself. That's my goal -- to meet up with them in heaven someday!

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