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Thursday, September 7, 2017

This is Your Life! What Does it Look Like?

At the Bible Study I attend, a gal said, “I wonder if God videos our lives and one day, when we get to heaven, we’ll see the video and then be able to thank all those who influenced and encouraged us? Another gal, said “And what about the video that you’ll be in of someone you encouraged and helped?”

That resonated with me. Every day we cross paths with many people and there may very well be playbacks in heaven of those we walked past, or were so busy on our phones – we didn’t notice them. On the other hand, we’ll get to see the ones we took the time to befriend; those we took meals to; those we may have encouraged and invited them to go to church with us.

My Mom didn’t have to have a video tape played of those she helped. It played out LIVE for her on her 70th birthday when we surprised her with a “This is Your Life” birthday party. “This is Your Life” was a “Reality” TV Show back in the 50s to the 70s. It was originally hosted by its creator and producer, Ralph Edwards. In the program, the host would surprise guests and then take them through a retrospective of their lives in front of an audience, with "surprise" appearances by friends, and family. The idea for "This Is Your Life" arose while Edwards was working on "Truth or Consequences". He had been asked by the U.S. Army to "do something" for paraplegic soldiers at an Army rehabilitation hospital. Edwards chose a "particularly despondent young soldier and hit on the idea of presenting his life on the air, in order to integrate the wreckage of the present with his happier past and the promise of a hopeful future. The show was always a feel-good, tear-jerker because we witnessed people helping people.

Back to my Mom and her 70th – we invited friends and family from all over the U.S. to come to the celebration, but she thought that only local friends from church and her community would be there. What she didn’t know, however, were the long-distance friends and family that we had hidden in another room. My husband was the emcee of the night. He’d share sweet stories from his relationship with her and other people were giving their own stories about how Mom exuded God's love to them. But, then the BIG SURPRISE! Mom would hear a voice over the loud speaker saying “Edna, you and Roscoe (my dad), saved my life and marriage when you came to the bars and took me home. You showed me the love of Jesus.” My Mom, shocked, said “Is that you David?” Indeed it was and he and his wife came out and hugged Mom who was elated to see them. Another said, “Edna, you were my best friend and you always encouraged me.” She would come out and they would embrace. Many family members and friends came great distances to express how Mom had changed their life.

In a world that often seems so self-serving, isn't it a breath of fresh air to be around those who have hearts of service -- who seemingly live to give. I pray that this post today encourages us to keep our eyes and hearts wide open to the little nudges that someone needs today. Another gal at the Bible Study said to another gal “You influenced me to come to this Bible Study and I’m so glad you did. It is just what I needed” Another gal, with tears in her eyes, looked at another gal and said, “Thank you for the time you give to my daughter. You have changed her life.”

The video tape is recording. What will we see at the end of the day? One of the greatest things about becoming a Christian is the heart-change we have about wanting to be a difference maker in other people’s iives. We give others what we have been given: hope, comfort, peace, love and compassion. We become a mentor to someone who needs extra help in following after God. What better way to mentor than to be the example of caring for others. Lord, please make us to be "Doers of the Word, and not just Hearers, only!" (James 1:22)

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