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Friday, February 23, 2018

Hearing God’s Voice is a Hot Topic

Wikipedia defines GOD’S VOICE as: The voice of God, in Judaism and Christianity, is a "heavenly or divine voice which proclaims God's will or judgment."

No doubt, by now, I'm sure you’ve heard “The View’s” co-host Joy Behar’s inconceivable words about Vice President Mike Pence’s faith. “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you… that’s called mental illness … hearing voices,” she said. I was motivated to write this post because Joy Behar got it all wrong, because, apparently, she doesn’t know or recognize God’s voice.

Apparently, Behar's mocking of Christianity as a mental illness alarmed other Christians as well. Over 25,000 people had called ABC by early Monday morning to complain about that “The View” segment.

When she said those words, she displayed her lack of knowledge about the God I know AND have heard daily. In fact, He's my foreign AND domestic correspondent that gives me advice for my daily blogs and FB posts. In my daily walk with God, He tells me all kinds of stuff. No, a mighty voice does not boom down from on high. His voice is subtle -- almost imperceptible -- and I can't hear it unless I'm really listening. Sometimes the voice comes as a gut feeling -- other times I may read and hear His voice in scripture. I may encounter a solution to a dilemma by a billboard or something a friend says. His voice comes to everyone who seeks His counsel. The voice of God can even be heard in times of challenges. If we don't get something that we really want, maybe God's trying to tell us why and that He has something better in mind for us. Maybe we'd better listen. If we stop to listen to God, those who ask His counsel -- those who really want to know -- will receive messages and advice from the Creator. Those who will not listen, will hear nothing -- at least, nothing from God. But if we are hearing God, we can implement His recommendations with confidence. It will be the best advice we'll ever get.

"Can you hear me?" Those are words that I know our Heavenly Father must say to us time and time again, but we're so caught up in the "noise" going on in our lives -- the TV, cell phone, radio, computer, social media, overburdened with to do's, and thinking about everything except for tuning in to the Master Speaker frequency in our lives. How often God must say to me, "Donna, do you hear Me?" And, my mind is everywhere except for keeping my ears open to His voice.

Like our kids, many times we do hear, but we're just not obeying. In fact, we may be as guilty as our kids are when we've told them time and time again to do something.....and they totally act like they never heard us. And, so often, the things we say to our children are the very things God wants us, His children,to hear:
“Be still.” “I’m the parent and you're the child -- that's why!" “If you'd paid attention to me, you would have avoided that mess.” “Trust Me. I know what's best for you.”

I have some really good news for Joy Behar, the media and for us.....we CAN hear God's voice, if we listen. The Bible, God's love letter to mankind, makes it clear that we were created to have two-way communication with Him. Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

I pray for you and I today: "Dear God, help us to listen carefully to what You have to say to us. Please help us to be first-timers -- first responders to YOUR voice. Amid all the craziness of this big world and the busyness in our own little worlds, may we tune in to YOUR frequency, your voice -- whether it's your still, small voice or your obvious loud and clear voice -- not eventually, but immediately! Thank you for your patience as our loving Father! Amen.

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