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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spy Wednesday - Silent Wednesday of Holy Week

In the workplace, we call Wednesday "Hump Day". That’s because it's smack dab in the middle of our work week and, HALLELUJAH, the weekend is in sight! Imagine Jesus’ thoughts on this day. Wednesday meant one day closer to His suffering and crucifixion. This day was called “Spy Wednesday” because it was on this Wednesday before the crucifixion that Judas conspired to hand Jesus over to the chief priests. “What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?” They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him. From then on Judas watched for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them. (Matthew 26:14)

This Wednesday was also referred to as “Silent Wednesday” because Jesus spent this day in Bethany. It had been two exhausting days in Jerusalem and tomorrow would be the Passover. Bethany is about two miles east of Jerusalem and is where Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha lived. They were close friends of Jesus, and probably hosted Him and the disciples during His final days. It was on this day that Mary anointed Jesus with costly perfumed oil. Remember, Judas’ (same guy plotting to betray Jesus) remarks to Jesus? “Why this waste? This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” We know Judas was the money keeper for Jesus and the disciples and he sure wasn’t thinking about the poor, but about His own schemes. Jesus rebuked him and said Mary has anointed Him for his burial! Jesus knew what he was about to face and had referred to it over and over to His disciples, but those "blockheads" were slow thinkers.

As we continue to walk with Jesus during this Holy Week, back here in Frisco, U.S.A., I don’t notice too many symbols and signs that indicate Easter is upon us. Even at our local stores -- Easter décor is pretty slim pickin’s. To think that just three months ago, our homes were over-embellished with Christmas décor, and then, EASTER, zilch - nada! There is little to no resemblance to the Christmas extravagance. Indeed, the birthday of our Lord was a really BIG DEAL!! Without His birth, there would be no Easter. Jesus birth story is worthy of remembering and retelling. But, based on the lack of decorating and celebrations, Easter comes in almost unnoticed. Like this day, Silent Wednesday.

Partying isn't what we do when someone we love is facing death. Many of us started on Ash Wednesday to welcome Lent and go more introspective to ponder, not just the sacrifice Christ made by leaving heaven's glories to become one of us, but to walk side-by-side with Him on His journey to Calvary. No fanfare is needed. With gratitude, we remember Jesus because of Who He was and what He did, not simply because of His birth. All of humanity were cursed and doomed to death, but during the week of Easter, Jesus assumed the guilt of humanity. Imagine that heavy load He carried on this Holy Wednesday. He must have been mustering up every fiber of strength to go the distance to the cross that awaited Him. The cross – that would symbolize an emergency rescue of humanity for all time.

One of my fondest Easter memories as a child here in Dallas was getting up, while it was still dark, on Easter morning and driving out to the Easter Sunrise Service at Laurel Land Cemetery in Oak Cliff. An Easter Service in a cemetery? What better place to relate to the fact that He, Who was as dead as those folks are and was entombed to be there forever, BUT, unlike those loved loved ones buried there, His grave could not hold Him down, and one day because He lives – those graves will not hold them down either.

A birth always seems more reason for celebrating than a death, but not in this case. From the cross to the grave to life is the grandest celebration of all because His death means life everlasting for you and me. Yes, my friends, without Easter, we would have no hope for today or tomorrow. So, how big is Easter? Oh, it's only the answer to pretty much EVERYTHING!!! So let the celebrations BEGIN!!

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