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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Are You a Good, Good Father?

Are You a Good, Good Father?
Happy Father’s Day to all dads today, whether you are a natural father, adoptive father or a father role model and mentor. You deserve a tribute if you have been and are a good, good father! Father’s Day brings me precious memories and so much gratitude for my own sweet daddy, my wonderful father-in-law and my precious husband who are celebrating this Father’s Day together in heaven. And especially for two amazing dads -- my two precious sons: Ryan Wuerch & Larry Wallace – men who are amazing fathers and who lead their families by God’s example to them. God bless you, Fathers!

I love the popular song “Good, Good Father”. Here’s why I think it’s so popular and resonates with so many of us. Maybe we had a very good representation of our Heavenly Father by the father we had on this earth. Or, maybe we had no representation of our Heavenly Father by any of the men in our lives. Whatever the case may be, we desire a good, good Father and we have one in our Heavenly Father.

I’m sure the inspiration for this song was because of so many in this generation who are fatherless and this song provides answers that only a good Father can provide. We are all finding our true identity in the love of our Heavenly Papa. We’re finding out that He's loving and caring and so close that we can be embraced by Him -- any time, anywhere.

As the song goes, we’re finding out He’s perfect in all of His ways…to us. He loved us before we loved Him. He has always been this way. This Father sent Jesus because He wants all of us to know that He loves us all exactly like He loves His Son. Jesus’ desire was that every person on the planet knows love by the love He shared among His followers. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” John 13:35. We are wising up to those “Love one another” words.

We’re finding out who we are in the Father’s embrace. This is what this song is about. And when we finally see Him as He really is, we find out that we’re not “dirty little sinners” to Him. We’re His new creation and old things have passed away. We are His beloved sons and daughters and the apple of His eye. We are learning to dance with Him and let Him lead. We are jumping up into His arms of peace, security, and safety. We are becoming obedient, faith-filled children and we’re making Him smile – an ear to ear smile as we bring Him pleasure when we love like He loves and gives like He gives.

Fathers – isn’t that what you desire of your children?

Here’s Chris Tomlin singing that wonderful song “Good, Good Father”! I pray that you settle the matter once and for all – let our Father embrace you, restore you and call you His beloved child. You’ll find out how GOOD, our good, good Father is to you!

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