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Thursday, June 14, 2018

I Met My Best Friend at Summer Camp

A dear friend from Tulsa was in Frisco a few days while her 11-year old son attended a Christian summer camp here in our area. I invited her over for lunch and we talked about the wonderful perks and blessings of our children having these wonderful times of fun and focused attention on God and His incredible love for His children.

Oh, how I loved the summertime -- not just because school was out, but it meant Vacation Bible School and attending a summer overnight camp. That brings back such precious memories of craft time, Kool-Aid and cookies, games, campfires, learning to swim, competitions, early morning Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, singing songs while waiting for the dining hall to open up like "Here we stand like birds in the wilderness -- waiting for something to eat!", making new friends, feeling a little homesick AND making the most important decision of my life.

At eight years old, I attended Straight Arrow Camp at Lake Texoma, and by a campfire, my little heart heard the message of Jesus' love that changed my life forever. I had heard that message before, but my tenderized heart (probably because of the intimacy and sweetness of the moments), I really, really understood that God loved me so much. I opened my heart to Him and that began my journey of faith that has sustained me to this day. It was tough being away from home those five days, but it was pivotal in my young life and so much so, that when I hear about the sacrifices parents make for their kids to go to VBS or be involved in a summer camp program or take a missions trip, it stirs my heart.

I witnessed those special times with my own children and grandchildren. I know the investment of time in VBS, church camps, and missions trips were strategically important in their faith journeys. Yes, we take our children to church; we make sure they are in Sunday School and youth programs, but, speaking on a personal level, there's just something about the freedom from school and other activities to dive into a concentrated time of hearing about God's love and His promises during these summer months.

Thank you, camp counselors, VBS teachers, and volunteers and for those who step it up a notch by taking kids on missions trips that open their eyes to the blessings of what they have, as well as the joy it is to bless others with God's love. Thank you for investing in our lives. You made all the difference in mine. I met my BEST FRIEND, Christ Jesus, at summer camp. And I grew to love Him more each time you shared about Him in a story or a play or a song or a hug. I am a life that was changed forever because of caring, loving and giving servants like you.

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