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Friday, June 8, 2018

Life is Like a Roller Coaster

Life is Like a Roller Coaster.
I’ve been enjoying the photos shared by FB friends that are having the times of their lives on their summer vacations. They didn’t waste a minute getting their summer fun on! Some have made trips to the mountains and others made their way to giant roller coaster mountains at theme parks.

While on OUR vacation last week, I heard the news that should make everyone who has ever been afraid to ride a roller coaster feel better. A power outage at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio left passengers on many rides stuck and a group of passengers was stranded on the Millennium Force Roller Coaster. And not just anywhere, but on the gigantic 300-foot-tall, record-setting hill. The park lost power when a car hit a utility pole. I heard a news commentator say “Aren’t we so thankful that it wasn’t one of those looping roller coasters and they got stuck upside down on the loop?” Thankfully, all the passengers survived with no injuries – but I can imagine there may have been some who threw up from utter fear and anxiety! It took over 45 minutes to restore power.

I've always loved the thrill of the craziest, wildest rides at amusement parks. Maybe that's why becoming a private pilot was no big deal for me. I wrote about that in one of my first blogs that shared the “roller coaster ride” faith journey that we were on.

For over 43 years, my husband, Ron, and I had many opportunities to encourage many people in their faith. We shared with many "When it comes to facing difficult situations in your life, just get on the roller coaster -- throw your hands up in the air, take the ups and downs and twists and turns.....and enjoy the ride!" Little did we realize when we shared that with others, we'd be getting on the "Big Kahuna" Roller Coaster, ourselves. Throughout my husband’s crusade against cancer, we remained constant in our faith. Each new day brought new hope AND new concerns. He’d make progress and then he’d have struggles. We found that with each doctor visit, test, treatment, and surgery (6), the ups and downs of it all, that God gave us new strength, encouragement, and peace.

We were on a roller coast. And we would climb, climb, climb and then encounter many twists and turns. It was tempting to get sweaty palms, white knuckles holding on so tight, but then, once again, we would remind ourselves, “God is in charge of the start and finish of this ride so we'll continue to throw our hands up in the air and enjoy this ride!" And, we did.

Life is a lot like a roller coaster and we will ride it with white knuckles and be holding on for dear life and sometime we may even feel like throwing up from all the twists and turns. Sometime we might even get stuck on an uphill climb. There will be other times when we will throw our hands up in the air, let the adrenaline give us the ride of our life and move into the twists, turns and ups and downs along the way. But, embracing the ride with a victory attitude will bring about the thrill of it all and at the end, we’ll yell “What a ride!”

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