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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I'm Praying for You!

Someone said to me “Don’t bother praying for me because prayers don’t work!” Oh my. He had no idea about the lioness that was about to become unleashed!!!

I told him my story. "To the contrary, prayers do work. I am a widow and were it not for my prayers and the prayers of others, the calm and great peace from the outset of my husband's illness, to his passing, to the strength and peace I continue to live in today, I wouldn't be here, or if I were, I'd be a most miserable human being. The fact is prayers work, but when we don't get the answer we want, often we conclude that there is no God or that God could care less. I discovered long ago that God isn't a divine Santa Claus or a genie in a lamp. And, He isn't a holy bellhop who jumps at our beck and call. God operates by His perfect will and our prayers are always subject to it. Many times I've prayed and didn't get the answer I wanted. He maybe responded with a "no or not now", but knowing Him as my Heavenly Father, I know He knows what's best for me. I have come to realize how God uses my pain and struggles to make me into being a more compassionate friend to others.”

I think he’s probably still reeling from my pushback, but more importantly, I pray he falls in love with our God Who sometimes says “Yes. No. Not now. I have something better in mind for you!” I started thinking more about those words “I’ll pray for you.” While it seemed to offend this person, maybe you are disappointed and hurting, and though those words are kind, they can also sound like a cliché and an empty promise. Broken relationships, financial difficulties or the recent loss of a loved one can cause even the most faithful to question if God loves them or even notices their circumstances. So, why do we offer to pray for others? Prayer is an invitation for us to share the Father’s heart with His children. He desires for each of His children to feel loved, cared for and encouraged. And, He can make Himself real in the moment for those who need to feel His touch through us.

Let’s face it. We know God loves us and longs for us to turn to Him for the comfort and encouragement we need, but there are times when a Pity Party seems like the best place to go. But, it's those times that the prayers of others should be welcomed. Maybe it's a good idea to request for them to specifically ask God to help us begin to trust Him again. When someone offers to pray for us, let's appreciate their concern and welcome their prayers. In hope and faith, remember, “The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.” James 5:16. A one-minute prayer can move a moment filled with discomfort to a place of renewed trust in God’s comfort, love and healing ways.

So, whether or not you actually speak the words “praying for you” let’s remember that prayer is a powerful tool and it actually can bring peace and relief to a hurting heart. I know it from firsthand experience. While we must consider how others feel about the phrase, it shouldn’t stop us from lifting our worries, thoughts, and concerns for one another to our loving Father.

By the way...."My FB friends -- I'm praying for you and I mean it. Lord, please bless, console, comfort, restore, heal, and renew my dear FB friends today. May they sense your loving arms around them. May they know how much You love them.....all the way to the cross.....and back. Amen"

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