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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

From Hyper-Space to Hyper-Grace

This post was inspired by a friend’s FB post a couple of weeks ago. She and her husband were at an arcade museum playing those good-old-days games. The museum gave them the opportunity to play the games as well as provided other media that traced the history of the games and their creators.

In my day, it was pinball machines that got our attention. Then fast forward to my children's era in the 70s & 80s when Atari was the latest craze. Video gaming was just getting its start. The screen resolution was so poor but we didn’t realize it was “poor”. It was the best we had seen in technology and we all had a blast playing. It was an exciting period of time when we had no idea how fast technology would accelerate. My son was an avid Atari player of the Asteroids and Space Invaders games. He got so excited when he pushed the HYPER-SPACE button to make his rocket ship disappear momentarily to escape being hit by asteroids or enemy spaceships.

Of course, I’m going to segue to a “God” comparison. Over the last few days, in light of the current political climate, my posts have been focused on getting our hearts in the right places, doing the right things, and being people of integrity and honor even when no one is looking. Yesterday, I referenced the mistakes we make even when we're purposing to do the right thing. We do our best and oftentimes our “best” falters. When it seems that our failures outweigh our successes, it could seem we are surely doomed for a life of hopelessness.

AW…but God’s amazing grace! I call it God's HYPER-GRACE that gave us His ONLY son to die in our place. The END was the beginning because He rose up out of that grave and today we have hope and life in abundance. The HYPER-Good News is His HYPER-GRACE is unlimited. When we are out-of-power and the enemy is targeting us to take us down and out, His HYPER-GRACE shows up to take us over or under or around or through the circumstances. And, the weaker we may feel, the stronger He gets. He comes in like a rocket ship with asteroids blazing and takes out the enemy altogether. One day, He’ll push the “HYPER-SPACE” button and we’ll escape and spend eternity with Him.

These scriptures assure us of God's amazing grace: "But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for MY power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
"Let us approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16

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