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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Our Creator's Epic Creation -- the Skies AND You and Me

Sunday morning, on the way to church, I was mesmerized with the Eastern skies. I stopped several times to take photos of the panoramic view of God’s handiwork. Oh my, He was certainly showing off. I told Him so! It was as though He wanted us to see Who could a thousand times over one-up the ability of any brilliant artist on the “human” scale. Michelangelo was sometimes called “the divine one” because his works were so grand and full of strong emotion. I agree that Michelangelo’s works were breathtaking. I have seen many of them, firsthand, but there is only one “DIVINE ONE” and that is our Divine Creator Who set the bar for creativity, artistry, musicality, spirituality, physically and in every other way.

All of creation is God’s epic painting, and the really good news is WE are in the painting. Unlike a landscape on canvas, God’s painting is three dimensional and living and breathing and when He looked at us (humankind) in the beginning, He declared “It is good!” We can gaze up into the sky that God painted with the brush of His Word, "Let there be...." and understand that the God who painted this landscape is the glorious Creator of us. We realize He had a divine purpose for us, just as all of the rest of His creation. We look at this world and see God’s brushstrokes everywhere. It amazes me that anyone could deny that God created all of this.

Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” Notice that scripture is in present tense. The heavens ARE declaring and the sky IS proclaiming God’s handiwork. All of nature itself shows the greatness of God. It’s a continual display. And all of that greatness is inanimate. If the inanimate declares His glory and proclaims His handiwork, how much more should we be declaring and proclaiming His awesomeness in living our lives out loud, fulfilling the purposes He had for us? We should be constantly showing off the amazing Creator He is and that He really exists by the way we live as His reflection on this earth!

The sky is preaching the glory of God to us every day. I really sensed that God was showing off on Sunday to get our attention. I suspect that I wasn’t the only one awed by His display of His greatness. I felt honored that He got my attention – not once, but several times as I made my way to church. After church, I looked at the Eastern sky and by then, the painting was blue and white instead of the yellows and reds and oranges and blues that I witnessed earlier. Specifically, the Psalmist wants us to look up and see all the wondrous things God has created.

Again, Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Creation shouts the glory of God. Whenever we look up our eyes partake of this epic portrait and epic perpetual sermon to the Glory of God.

How do we know God? We look up. We open our eyes and take in His creation and understand that this magnificent work of art has a Divine Artist. Then we take a deep breath of the air of His creation, and breathe out our praise to THE ONE who put it all on display for us, the ones He created and who are on display for the world to see Him in us and see what He saw “And God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

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