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Saturday, October 27, 2018

That's Onomatopoeia: POW, BOOM, BAM

My BFF from Tulsa came to see me on Thursday. We make every moment count when we’re together. We call ourselves “Ethel and Lucy” because we can sure have some hilarious (without even trying) times. We were in that mode at Hobby Lobby and then yesterday, just before she headed on her way to her destination, she thought she’d help me by tossing my newspaper to my porch, but her toss was less than exact. She threw it into a huge plant pot that was filled with water. LOL! Par for our course! But the best part of our friendship that truly makes us besties is our prayer times together. You know your friend is a BFF if they care enough about you to pray with and for you. That’s why we’re BFFs because we know enough about each other that we know the best of us is the Jesus in us…..and that’s what He would do if He had stopped by to see me and when He shows up, BOOM! That’s the word used for an explosion. And I like to think that it’s ZAPPING, SPLATTING, and SMASHING the enemy.

Sheila said, “Donna, I hear onomatopoeia coming from you!” She said that as I was praying I was OOHING and AWING. Onomatopoeia is the sound that a word makes and mimics the sound it describes. So when we say an onomatopoeic word, it sounds like the word we’re referring to. For example: “The CLANGING pots and pots woke the baby.” “The bacon SIZZLED in the pan.” “The race car driver REVVED the engine.” “She POPPED the balloon.” “The enemy CACKLES, GROWLS, and HISSES!” Say those words and you’ll actually hear the sounds of the object it is referring to.

So when Sheila said I was making the sound of OOH, AW and I later thought that I desire that my life be “onomatopoeia” – that my life has sound, expression, so that when others hear “Donna”, they are hearing the sound of joy, excitement, wonder, lightheartedness, life, liberated, cheer.”

I really want that. How about you? Don’t we want to be the most incredible version of ourselves throughout our lives? Don’t we want to have achieved our fullest potential and lived a life of relentless pursuit of God and His character? I know for a fact that I want to live my life in technicolor – not black and white. After all, God could have made all of His creation in black and white, but He said “Nah! I can do better than that!” Don’t you know that sound must have been a part of the creation process? BOOM – the skies were made. POW – the stars and the moon and sun brought light to the skies. KAPOW – trees, and vegetation appeared. SWISH – the waters flowed. CHIRP, BUZZ, MOO, NEIGH – and God created the animals.

I want to live my life with onomatopoeic expressions that say “I’m here, on purpose, to be and do and live and declare God lives in me big time, so this CLANGING and BUZZING and ROARING that comes from me is full of life, full of expression, full of determination to live a reckless abandoned life for God. I want my gravestone to say “SHE LIVED”! I want to leave my mark and my sound here. How about you?

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