We Can Learn From Each Other
There is so much beauty in the scripture in Titus 2:3-5 which talks about older women teaching younger women. I'm so grateful for how that scripture has played out in my life. Many older women (in faith AND age) influenced me as they lived out their faith before me. The role has reversed as, now, I get to be an influencer to younger women. I love responding to a young mom who messages me "HELP!!! What do I do?" Or when a middle-aged daughter shares her plight of caring for her 80+-year-old mom who recently suffered a stroke. I draw from my well of experiences when, as a young wife, mom, and daughter, faced similar times. Much of the stuff of life we go through and how we cope and succeed through it all is for others to know "We survive!" Even my "widow" experiences have helped other widows become warrior women who realize God still has purposes for their lives and then turn their mourning into dancing.
Who are qualified to be the "older" or the "younger" women? If someone is younger in their faith or in life, then we are the older. I saw my granddaughter encourage her younger (in faith) friend. I've seen you sweet moms who figured out the ropes of nursing, getting your little ones to sleep through the night, or the method to use for potty training be the "older" women to those who are "less traveled" on the "mommy" road.
I think about some of you, my sweet sisters, that think you don't fit into either category. You think what you do doesn't count because you're doing it at 2 am in the morning when no one is looking -- except for your sweet baby who has lost his pacifier, AGAIN. Or because you think you need a podium for your voice to matter or make a difference.
I want to take your sweet faces between my hands and tell you "You ARE making a difference." Podiums and pulpits are not just found in churches. Speeches do not just come from stages. I'm telling you diapers, laundry, and a sink full of dishes are serious theology. You are the Proverbs 31 woman who rises while it's still dark to provide for your family. You are teaching your children what a devoted follower of Christ looks and acts like. The hours that you sow juggling sports practices, ballet, and football games or carefully navigating the selection of your daughter's prom dress so it's NOT too low cut in the front, is your mission field. You are teaching and training and being the example of faithfulness and resilience and determination. When you break up conflict between your kids, you are being the peacemaker that, one day, they'll remember how you resolved conflict when they're having to do that with their kids. You ARE in ministry.
It is an honor to offer my life, my lessons learned and failed to my sisters who, on a daily basis, maneuver your lives with precision and are teaching the younger. And while you are teaching the younger, those of us who passed that way long ago.....are engaged in taking care of elderly parents, coping with aging bodies, carrying on when a cherished loved one passes away. But, all is well, because we have "older" teachers that showed us the way. We will survive because we know we're here to grow, mature, train, teach and walk hand in hand -- making our world a better place to be because we cared AND shared and mentored those who became leaders worth following!
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