Yesterday my post was about being a part of the Family of God and how our Father always has His arms open wide to His nice, and even sometimes naughty, kids. He's ready to invite them to sit at His royal table and feast with Him, along with so many other “royal” benefits. It's ours for the taking. We just accept His invitation to come into the family and then play by His rules which include integrity and honor and when we make mistakes and ask for His forgiveness, He always forgives. He especially asks us to hold to His number one requirement: to love Him and each other as we love ourselves. As one of His adopted kids, I assure you, there is nothing like being part of the Family of God.
Christmas and the New Year are drawing near. Many of us look forward to spending more time with family while others find this holiday season to be an especially painful reminder of people they miss, broken relationships and their deep longing to be surrounded by a loving family. The good news is, as children of God who have been adopted into His royal family, we have an unlimited supply of brothers and sisters! It’s like an old song written by Bill and Gloria Gaither:
“You will notice we say “brother” and “sister” around here;
It’s because we’re a family and these folks are so near.
When one has a heartache we all share the tears,
And rejoice in each victory in this family so dear.
I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God!
I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood.
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
For I’m part of the family, the family of God.
Let me tell you about this "family" from personal experience. I grew up in this family because my parents introduced me to the Father, God, and I invited Jesus, His Son, into my heart as a young child. That’s the “orientation” to coming into the family. John 3:16 explains it this way: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son and ALL who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Wow! How’s that for benefits….believing equals eternal life with Him in this family forever and ever!
Growing up in this family, I was around folks that pursued God in their walk and talk and it left an “eternal” impression on me. I wanted to be just like them. I witnessed how this family sticks together. We’re brothers and sisters and when one hurts, everyone hurts and when one has a victory, we all celebrate with them. We met together at church, became part of groups that created fellowship, grew together in learning more about God and His Word, and we were forged together when we locked arms and arms in making it through joyful and tough times.
In this family, there were baby showers where “the sisters” lavished gifts and blessings on the hopeful new parents that would soon welcome their new baby. Then, those same sisters, bearing lots of food for the new parents, brought relief to them when they had added pressure with that new little bundle of joy and lots of sleepless nights. Then there were the brothers in the family who helped another brother out when he had lost his job and they shouldered up to him and gave him encouragement and even helped him find a new job. I witnessed those brothers and sisters caring for my mom and me when my dad passed away. They brought us food and I saw them hugging and loving on my mom and me which brought us so much comfort. Later, I knew that comfort when my brothers and sisters encouraged my husband and me when he became so sick, but our freezer was so full of food that I had to ask them to slow down. I know what it is to have brothers and sisters in the Family of God.
Most recently, I’ve witnessed how the brothers and sisters at my church have come to support and love a precious family going through a major crisis that has resulted in so many needs. Of course, fervent prayer was the first thing we did, then tangible things were done: their home was cleaned, a food chain started, groups got together to go and encourage and support them financially and spiritually, and there have been so many social media posts that offered encouragement and notes assuring continued prayer. And, for me, my brothers and sisters in Christ are my own personal cheerleading team when they follow me on social media and when I speak at ministry events. They keep “pushing” me to be the best “sister” in the family. I strive for that!
I am utterly convinced that the Family of God will stand by you in thousands of ways if you’ll get to know the family, hang out with them, serve with them and do life with them. None of us deserve it and haven’t earned it. We were just born into it. They’ll treat you like royalty, too, because you are! We are. We’re children of the King.
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