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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Write the Vision and Make it Plain

When my daughter was single, she made quite the list (100 items to be exact) of all the qualities she was hoping for in a future husband. She wrote out her vision and she made it VERY plain. When Larry came along, initially, he was about 95 out of the 100. But, the longer they knew each other and fell in love, every single one of those items was checked off her list and he measured up to her greatest desires. I thank God every day for my amazing son!

Monday night I was visiting with a successful young woman. She has a good – no, great job with a title of influence plus the salary to match, but she is dissatisfied and completely unfulfilled. Her greatest desire is to be in a third world country, defending marginalized people, bringing aid and assistance to them and making a real difference in their lives. Not only her job, but she also desires a husband, a family and to personally fill cared for and loved. Seems like a tall order, right?

But, not so when the Bible gives us many promises to hold near and dear to our hearts. I gave her this scripture that has served our family well. Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision. Make it plain so that he who reads it, can run with it.” It’s writing out a vision (making a list) and giving it in prayer to God.

That scripture partly explains how to get into position for the vision to become reality. I told that young woman to write down every single desire she has for her future: her job and ministry, a husband, children, satisfaction, peace, security, etc. Then I went on to explain, “When we write our vision down, making it precise and plain, our angels who accompany us 24/7 can read it and run after it. Hebrews 1:14 says “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Our angels are dispatched to bring about the reality of that vision. The caveat is “your positioning”. Here is how to get into position for your dream job, your dream husband or wife, your dream children, and your peace and satisfaction. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: 1) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; 2) Lean not to your own understanding; 3) Acknowledge Him, and then, He will direct your paths.”

To write a vision without the counsel and wisdom of God is just an exercise of wants and wishes. It’s like treating God as a genie in a lamp or treating Him like a slot machine. But, to write a vision and make it plain while acknowledging the presence, the wisdom and the counsel of God and trusting Him in His perfect timing puts our angels on dispatch for bringing about what our list entails.

So make that list… pencil and then give God the pen to ensure the BEST-LAID plans are His plans!

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