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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Do They Know Us By Our Love?

I attended a monthly meeting this week and someone said, “They will know we are Christians by our love!” Immediately I thought of a 60’s song by that title. The song and that statement “They will know we are Christians by our love" come from John 13:35: “This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.”

I’ll be honest with you. There are times when I can be a little snarky – not emulating that Christian love. My disapproval of someone’s actions, even though I don’t say a word, is evident in my demeanor. I know I’m just not feeling the love for that one, but that scripture said: “have love for one another”. Lord knows I want to be that gal that loves….in spite of the way someone acts or speaks.

Of course, God, Himself, is our greatest example of loving….in spite of. His new commandment was to love each other as He loved us. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a commandment to love one another. There is not one person Jesus does not love and did not come to save -- this includes everyone we lock eyes with, walk past on the street, hear about in the news, live next door to, stand behind in line at the grocery store, or sit next to in the waiting room. When we actively love those around us, putting their needs before our own, we are taking the same amazing love that Jesus poured out to us and become a living, breathing, beautiful display for humanity.

While many believe love is a just a nice, heart-warming feeling when everyone is nice and heartwarming, as Christians, we are called for it to be more than that -- we are called to take action. We can share God’s love by noticing the unnoticed, loving the unlovely, or even by extending grace to those who are not so easy to be around.

Putting our love into action in this month of love (and beyond) will sincerely show we are Christians by our love. Love in action is asking God to help us actively love others -- to actively walk across the street to help our neighbors, to actively cook a warm meal for a friend in need, or to actively visit a nearby nursing home to love on the elderly. His love in action through us will lead us to places where He wants us to shine His light and give us the courage and strength to share His love with all who surround us in our daily lives. And, then a love ripple effect will take place. We will guide people to His beauty and they, too, will begin to actively love others and then, who knows how many lives will be impacted?

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