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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hope Brings a Bigger, Bolder, Brighter Future

I hope your yesterday goes well. If I said that to you, you’d be thinking Donna has lost it! It’s silly to hope someone’s YESTERDAY goes well because HOPE doesn’t live in the past. Hope is something based on great expectations for our future.
We can look backward and reminisce the ups and downs, but we can’t HOPE in the past. Even hoping that Uncle Joe included us as a beneficiary is still HOPING in the past.

We can’t change yesterday. We can’t hope in yesterday. But, we can HOPE for today and for tomorrow to be filled with many wins, many victories, many remarkable interceptions of blessings. We can hope our marriages are stronger and we are more in love than ever OR we can even hope for marriage. Period. We can hope for a clean bill of health. We can hope for being able to conceive a baby. We can hope for a new home or car. We can hope our children do well in school.

Hoping is ALWAYS “the great expectation that something good is about to happen” now, in a minute, in this day and tomorrow. It does no good to look backward and HOPE our past gets better. I am excited and hopeful for this 2019 to turn into the greatest year of bringing people into the Kingdom of God. I am excited and hopeful for love to abound in our homes, our cities and our country. I am hopeful that the tide turns for respect for life from conception to the grave. I am hopeful that America WILL be great again in the eyes of its citizens and around the world.

Doesn’t that feel so good? I mean – being hopeful for today and tomorrow. We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we know that God holds tomorrow and He isn’t a bit surprised by His kids showing out. I’m sure He shakes His sovereign head and with amusement often says to His Son Who sits at His right hand and says “What in the world are they thinking?” In all seriousness, He’s got the whole wide world in His hands, so why should we worry or fret. Let’s just keep HOPING and PRAYING for His will being done on earth as it is in heaven!

Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

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