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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Month of Love Can Be “Bah Humbug”.....if we let it!

Everywhere I look there are reminders: "This is Love Month!". Since my sweetheart is long gone from this side of heaven, I could shut my eyes, allow myself to be pitiful and think "Please March, get here quickly!" But you’ll notice I refuse to go there, so much so that I intentionally post about love this month.

You see, February 14th has been a precious day for me since I was 12 years old. Well, maybe even before that when we decorated shoe boxes for receiving Valentine cards from our schoolmates. Up till February 14th, 1961, the cards I received from boys were slim-pickens. But from 1961 until 2010, Valentine's meant the world to me. My Sweetheart and I had our first "date" on Valentine's (ages 12 & 13) and every year since then, we made it "our" special day. I fully understand, however, why many wish there wasn't so much emphasis on love and lovers -- especially if they don't have a significant other.

But, every year, I purposely decide to defeat those thoughts as soon as February rolls around. Rather than being wimpy, I purpose to be energized, strong and determined. I embrace this whole month and call it a Month of Love -- focusing on giving out love daily, expressing my appreciation for friends, family and ESPECIALLY, my Father God -- the greatest LOVER of all.

I'm sharing my thoughts with you about "Valentine's NOT being Bah Humbug". I checked my heart on it before this month rolled around. And look at how God intercepted my thoughts. These photos are of a Valentine's "Love" brunch given by some precious women from Dwell Church. The homeowner emulates the beauty of being a Martha who serves with excellence and a Mary who worships at the feet of Jesus. I was so grateful to be included in this special celebration that she went way out of her way to show her love to us. Everything was done meticulously with excellence from the "love" signs that greeted us to the handsome servers from the church who welcomed us with a lovely punch, a ticket, and a sweet "love" magnet.
Their living area furniture was moved to their bedroom. Can. You. Speak? Reminders of love were everywhere and the brunch was par excellence. Check out that chocolate fountain bar. How blessed I felt when she gave a gorgeous orchid plant to me and another widow. I sensed my sweetheart looking down from heaven and applauding. To top it off, the tickets were for the gorgeous centerpieces filled with candy hearts and roses, and my number was drawn. I tried to give it away for someone else, but they insisted I keep it. Truly I sensed God's favor. He keeps on pouring it on!
I like to think that this sweet day was a gift for turning up the love burner in my month. It was a “give and it shall be given” gift to me. So, I will continue to NOT fall for the "IF ONLY" lie. You know, "IF ONLY my sweetheart was still here, IF ONLY I had a boyfriend, IF ONLY I had a romantic husband." "IF ONLY" can do quite a number on our hearts. That’s why I’m determined to replace my "If onlys" with "I ams". I AM loved by God. I AM so thankful for the beautiful people He has placed in my life. I AM rich in God’s mercy and grace. I AM so happy that I love this LOVE season because I am reminded to amp up my love for God and others. 1 John 4:19 explains it this way "We love because He first loved us."

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