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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Welcome to my Wild Frontier!

Maybe not the frontier, but it’s sure been wild at my place. I have felt like Annie Oakley in my determination to rid my home of an outlaw squirrel. This wildlife adventure began several weeks ago when I heard scratching outside my window. I went out to my patio and saw all kinds of wood shavings on the ground. I spied the evil varmint who was cozy in-between my pergola and roof eaves. I shewed him away using a can of bug spray (not harmful to animals) to deter him and he was gone for a week. The next week he returned. I shot my spray and he left again. This went on for a few weeks but no more wood shred because of my keen eagle eyes and ears. But when I went to Austin for a week and returned home, that critter had succeeded in chewing out a 6” x 3” hole, quite adequate for his home in my attic! His tactics were made clear when I heard rustling above my bedroom."Vengeance is mine" saith Donna (rather Annie!).

I sought Dr. Google's advice and found others who had squirrel invasions and how they rid themselves of the nuisance and destruction they can cause. They said, "Use mothballs, fox urine (gasp), animal deterrent spray, a cage trap or get a remove-a-pest company (and plan to pay $250 to $500)." A friend told me I should be glad that I only have one squirrel. He had two squirrels and a possum in his attic! WHAT???

My accomplice, Denise Gerrich, and I went to Lowe’s and found an animal deterrent spray. When an animal smells it, it triggers their natural instinct to escape. When we got to my home, we made sure the rascal wasn't in the attic and then in my best Annie Oakley sharpshooter form, I proceeded to spray the animal deterrent all over the eaves and pergola. The smell was ghastly. I can see why it makes an animal run in terror!

That was a week ago. It's quiet now at Donna's wild frontier. When scurrying up trees, that cute, little furry guy was a friend, but when he started messing with my domain, my peace, my comfort, and MY frontier, he became my foe. Like that annoying squirrel -- so is the enemy of our souls. He pesters us and gnaws away at our hearts and minds trying to invade our thoughts with concerns, doubts, and worry. It can be incessant and troubling -- just like that pesky squirrel. We can let our concerns get to us or we can let go, and let God do what He is best at. What I’ve come to know is worrying gets us nowhere and gives us nothing but sleepless nights and destroys our peace of mind. God’s Word says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Our best defense against annoying intruders or circumstances that try to steal peace is doing what we can and get on the offense instead of letting the enemy take over. Seal up and fortify the weak places, like in my roof AND in our hearts. We apply covering to the vulnerable places to protect our roof and we apply prayer and God's Word to our heart. He will give us His peace that’s beyond anything we can understand. His peace will guard our hearts and minds against the anxieties that can be as persistent as that squirrel. I’m hopeful that the squirrel has moved on to another frontier. I'm also hopeful and determined to be on guard against the enemy of my soul! "Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

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