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Friday, March 29, 2019


Yesterday my blog’s title was “Born to Create”. Today I title my blog simply “Born”. The fact that we were given the opportunity to be born is a huge accomplishment when we think of the alternatives today.

Last night, pre-opening night, we saw “Unplanned” -- the controversial movie about the true story of former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Abby Johnson’s change of heart after witnessing an abortion firsthand. The controversy (besides the obvious pushback from Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice advocates) was the film’s R-rating. That means that a 15-year-old girl can, without her parents' consent, choose to have an abortion, but that same girl cannot see this film about abortion.

I wasn’t too surprised with the movie’s content since we heard Abby Johnson and the brilliant actress, Ashley Bratcher playing her, speak at the recent National Pro-Life Prayer Luncheon here in Dallas. Though I wasn’t surprised at what was coming, I couldn’t hold back the tears to think that in an “In God We Trust” country, the diabolical atrocity of abortion is permitted and not just permitted, but touted, publicized and praised by activists, and those who don’t feel they have a choice, but to abort.

The most startling scene happens daily at Planned Parenthood clinics. I couldn't hold back tears. There was nothing contrived about the scene in the least. It was the reality of abortion.

I agree with author and speaker, Janet Denison in saying that older children should see this movie because it accurately and honestly reveals the truth about abortion. If our kids see that one scene, they will probably never consider abortion an option for their lives. This movie may just make our kids more responsible with their dating lives and more likely to understand and strongly consider making a biblical choice about sex and marriage.

The movie, in its entirety, isn't a "cheesy" Christian movie. The characters are superb in their acting and the movie is factual. It will rivet you. Oh, but it is so much love. Serious love of parents praying for their daughter. Indescribable love of those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for LIFE. The amazing grace of God that takes a young woman whose heart was so cold and believed she was endorsing a good thing, to at His specific, perfect timing, opened her eyes. There is laugh-out-loud humor in many scenes. And, most importantly, I believe Abby Johnson and her story is going to truly impact the high dollar abortion industry as many people's eyes are opened to the truth that has been hidden far too long.

Dear Friends, PLEASE see this movie. We have been silent far too long. The world needs to hear the truth about abortion instead of temporary compassion by those who convince a desperate, scared woman that abortion is her right to choose. Ultimately, "Unplanned" teaches that real compassion wins and is always grounded in truth. That is the theme of this movie, and it has a powerful influence. Compassionate truth should be the theme of our lives as well. "Let love be your highest goal!" (1 Corinthians 14:1)

I have several friends (mostly, Christian, church-attending) who had an abortion (some, more than one). Not only did compassionate and loving truth heal them, today they are proponents of "life" at conception. We must speak out because the lives of the unborn don't have a voice to speak. We do. Please let your voice be heard. That's why I am blogging this message today. Please see this movie and encourage others to do the same. Pray before you go and ask God to speak His truth to everyone in the theatre. Be brave and speak God’s truth with love. I hope you will choose to see "Unplanned". You will have a stronger, godlier witness on abortion if you do.

Life is about making choices. God knows all about tough choices. He loved us so much he chose to give us his Son. Let’s honor God with what we choose to give back.

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