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Monday, March 18, 2019

God's Remarkable Color Palette

Take a look at these beautiful “Spring” flowers. Breath-taking – literally! Not just the beauty, but the fragrance is exquisite. Well, these flowers should be – they’re growing in this exotic climate of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico where my Austin family and I are here celebrating Spring break and family love. I was delighted when they invited me to be a part of the fun. There is something about being entertained by God’s beauty in another area of God’s beautiful earth.

As beautiful as this week is for me, it only holds a candle to a little over eight years ago, when I went to Cabo with this family after a whirlwind previous couple of weeks of major decisions to be made, funeral preparations, and all the responsibilities that went with my sweetheart's graduation to heaven. Cabo was just what I needed – to get away – find that place of consolation, peace, and comfort. Everything about the previous few weeks – in fact, the last eight months had seemed quite surreal. But, I had walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and, because of this profound place of peace, I literally feared no evil. God was there to comfort me – that was His promise in Psalm 23 – He had kept His promise. I was comforted.

Of course, I'm nostalgic being back here in Cabo this “Spring Break” week and, I’ll admit, I’m savoring the memories – especially those that were so healing to me. Embraced by family. Embraced by God and His creation. Embraced by the sounds of laughter of my grandchildren. Embraced by the knowledge of knowing that God has given me so much tender loving care during this life-after-death. It was a choice I made early on and it seems the more life I live on purpose, the more life gives back to me in monumental ways.

I assure you, it is possible to feel the loss for a while in those times of life, but NEVER to stay there. To grow and celebrate this season of life, we must pick ourselves up and be willing to go to a NEW SEASON. As Spring is surfacing and the trees and flowers are blooming, we can see God’s reminder to let go of the old things and expect the new things He’s wanting to do in our lives. Expect that there are good and beautiful things to come. As the flowers are being resurrected to new life, the trees are sprouting from what seemed to be a lifeless state, the green grass is peeking through the brown remains of winter, may we SPRING FORTH in fresh, new strength and vitality that comes from taking off those grave clothes, and putting on garments of praise and joy! It's a new day, it's a new season, it's a time for great expectation that this will be the BEST day and times of our lives!

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

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