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Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Secret Place is Rock Solid

Yesterday, sweetest memories flooded my mind from 2010. In Cabo, I woke early each morning to take in the magnificent sunrise on the crashing waves. I would find the cleft of the rock formations to sit beneath. How sweet was the presence of my loving Father there – especially as He restored my soul, for it had been in the valley of the shadow of death just a week before.

It was a trip my husband and I had hoped to take with my son and family that year for Thanksgiving. As it turned out, only my side of the equation made the trip. His trip was to heaven, a week before Thanksgiving. And, though without him here on this earth, I sensed him with me each morning as I walked the beaches at 5 am. and hid in beneath those massive rocks. My little guys joined me later in the mornings. It was heaven-on-earth then. Yesterday, I asked my Bear (aka, 2nd oldest grandson) to be our photographer and help me re-enact those sweet moments from nine years ago with my two youngest grandsons. Sweet captured moments of my two little guys, 5 and 3 years old then to now, 14 and 12 years old.

When I shared about my “Secret Place” amidst the rocks, Lobo, a Spanish mariner I met called it “El Lugar Secreto”. What a special gift it was to go to such a peaceful and tranquil place. I continue, to this date, to live daily in the secret place. Psalm 91:1 says -- "He that dwells in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, 'My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!'"

Why shouldn't I feel this peace? God promised it to me if I would live in that place. It's a choice I purpose to make daily. And, that’s my address: 911 Peace Ave. You will find me there most of the time, except for when I forget where I live, but His watchful eye and tender care seems to always draw me back in, Yes, I continue to go forward -- cherishing the memories, the sweetness of loving and being loved, choosing to be care-free and unafraid…….and daily living in el lugar secreto!

Does life seem overwhelming to you today? The deadline is long past, and you're still endeavoring to get the project done? Are the kids more than a handful? Did you get a pink slip from your employer and you wonder how you and your family can survive? Are you or a loved one so ill that you wonder if you or they will make it? Do you feel like you're at the end of your rope?

I've been there..... and each time that I found myself in places like that, I found my answers, my peace and my comfort in the One who is the Rock, and I realize those overwhelming circumstances were ultimately for my good....because they drew me to the Source of answers, my shelter, and my SOLID ROCK.

When the earth all around me is sinking sand,
On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend, I go to THE ROCK!

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