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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Got Desert? Green Pastures Await You!

It’s difficult to think of desert in the midst of the torrential rains we had in the last 24-hours here in Frisco. But, deserts did come to mind when I thought about the “desert experiences” of life.

Not far from the lush rolling hills in Austin where my children live, you can find yourself in the desert. In fact, there are cacti and other desert foliage all around my children’s home. Trust me. I know. Those cactus spikes got my attention coming through my jeans when I got too close to them. But the desert areas around Austin pales in comparison to Mexico where we recently went for a family vacation. Just go for a little walk without water and you’ll find yourself dry, hot, and parched. Oh, for a cool drink of water!

The Season of Easter is synonymous with freshness, new life, springtime, an abundance of flowers and budding trees. But, all that newness means little when we are in a virtual desert spiritually. Beauty is all around, but we don’t see it or feel it. We prefer the curtains drawn and we want the world to go away. I have been there in seasons of personal drought. No matter what scriptures I read or praise songs I sang or words of encouragement that were given to me, I just wanted to wallow in a pool of self-pity. In those “seasons”, I came to realize that staying there was the worst place I could be. Or, was it?

Those dry seasons are like a thermometer. We can read our temperature and know there is something wrong. And in the desert seasons, we know there is something wrong spiritually. When we open our eyes and hearts wide, we know we’re off-kilter. We know we are not nourishing and refreshing ourselves with the Springs of Living Water. We’ve become lackadaisical in our relationship with God. We don’t hunger and thirst for Him. The enemy of our souls is mighty proud of us during those times of living in the desert. The Psalmist David knew about these times. That's why he wrote in Psalm 23 "He MAKES me lie down in green pastures to restore my soul!"

I know there are those reading this blog today who feel like you are there – right in the middle of a parched soul desert. But, I’m here to declare to you this day – your desert experience is almost over. You will soon be revitalized to achieve greater heights and a level of spiritual clarity that you have not even imagined, but it's up to you to get out of the desert. The fast track there is by refusing to live there any longer. Open wide the windows and let the fresh air of the Holy Spirit in. Refuse to live there any longer. A bountiful supply of Living Water is available to you. In John 7:37-39 Jesus cried out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scriptures said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” He was speaking of the Holy Spirit Who came to live in us when we first received Christ into our lives. It’s springtime and renewal time today. Run to the touch of Jesus and let His living water saturate you today! Dry spell ended, in Jesus' name!

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