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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Joy Me Up, Scotty!

"Beam me up, Scotty" was a catchphrase from Star Trek. It came from the command Captain Kirk gave his chief engineer, "Scotty" Scott, when he needed to be transported back to the Starship Enterprise. I’m saying “Joy Me Up, Scotty, because I want to be transported to a place of joy. Get me out of the mulligrubs and doldrums into being “high” on joy!

I’m waiting at Chick-Fil-A to pick up my granddaughter from her Tuesday shift. It’s always amusing to hear the stories from her day because some very interesting scenarios can take place in a fast food restaurant. I can judge what kind of day she has had by her demeanor as she comes out the door to my car. Joy is all over her today. She literally skips and leaps to my car with her Chick-Fil-A bags of food. This day the joy she exudes is because her boss granted her request to get off work early to be with her grandmother. Oh, joy, joy – for her and me! I love our upbeat, joy-filled conversations on these days! I’m magnetically drawn to her spirit of joy and it makes me respond to her with joy! We are transporting each other to a joy-filled place.

Seriously, joy can literally turn our day around. Psalm 28:7 says "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart LEAPS for joy, and with my song I praise Him." I want to be a LEAPER! Isn't joy so attractive on people? I want that joy to rub off on me and I really want to be that one who exudes joy so much so that people want to hang with me. JOY isn't surface happiness -- if all is going well, then we're happy! Joy comes from deep within, and we have it in spite of gray skies and tough circumstances.

James 1:2 says: "My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials....", REALLY? Count the trials for joy??? As we mentally shift from the “woe-is-me mentality” into the “count-it-all-as-joy mentality,” then our inner joy will be released from the inside to the outside. Our actions will mimic our thoughts.
After all, we know our Father has it ALL under control. Indeed, we can be JOY-FULL and FULL of JOY!!!!

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