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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Oh, But for the Mercy of God!

I’ve heard people say “Lorrrd, have mercy!” as a quick retort when yet another “I can’t believe it” circumstance happens. In reality, that is what we should say, rather pray, anytime we encounter a roadblock, a rock landslide, “rocked my world” or rock crazy situations going on in our world. God is our ROCK in all of life's ups and downs and His DIVINE MERCY is at our beckoned call when tough times come or when we are the ones who made a huge mistake and created the tough times.

Today is “Divine Mercy” Sunday – a time that is specifically dedicated to the great gift of the Lord’s mercy and love. God's “Divine Mercy” was given in His covenant as He promised protection, provision, guidance, and His constant presence to His children. Because God is the initiator, the mercy He gives is gracious, unmerited, undeserved, is compassionate and leads to forgiveness, and to the steadfast love that God sustains in our relationship with Him.

Thank God, we are no longer defined by our past because God's mercy is real and available. Of course, we celebrate His mercy every time we cry out to Him for mercy when we have failed Him. And, mercy should be a part of every Christian's life when we have been hurt by someone. “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matthew 5:7).

Think about it – after Jesus rose from the dead, He went to His disciples where they were huddled in fear. He could have gone in and started in a rant about their weaknesses and their failures. He could have displayed His disappointment in their betrayal and denial of Him. His first words could have been, “Thanks…. for NOTHING! What were you thinking? Where were you when I needed you?” He had every right to unload His righteous indignation on them. But, no, His first words to them were “Peace be with you”. Isn’t that the way He continues to speak to us – in spite of our mistakes & failures? He loves us unconditionally and speaks “Peace be with you.” Yes, He is a God of divine mercy!

None of us need to be defined by our past because Divine Mercy is open to us all. Whether our sins are small or great, the mercy of God is available to all of us. The mercy of God is real! The mercy of God is His love! The mercy of God is the power of the resurrection still working today. You are not your past. Believe in it! Embrace it! God’s Divine Mercy forgives, forgets and even forges the way to becoming all God destined for us in the first place. So, shouldn't His example cause us to be His people of mercy, too -- forgiving and loving others with mercy? Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

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