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Thursday, April 18, 2019

#TBT Throw-back Thursday -- Holy Thursday

It almost seems disrespectful to title my blog “Holy Thursday” AND “Throw-back Thursday” – but isn’t that what today is to us? It is remembering how Jesus shared a Passover meal with His disciples, and that meal invoked Holy Communion (Luke 22:19-20). We hear His words: "As often as you do this, you do it in memory of Me!" And, we do REMEMBER!

Getting new Easter clothes, expecting Easter surprises along with an Easter egg hunt that followed Easter Sunday church services is a sweet memory each year. As precious as those memories are, they pale in comparison to the memories of what Christ taught us during this Holy Week. Today is Holy Thursday of Holy Week when we recall the Last Supper – the night that Jesus set the greatest example of what it is to be a Servant Leader. Jesus -- the greatest of ALL, was the servant of ALL, as He washed His disciples’ feet. He, with the towel and basin, is KING of the universe. The same hands that shaped the earth, the stars, and the moon, washed away grime and filth. He wanted his disciples to know how much He loved them. Jesus knew they were about to betray and deny Him, yet He loved and SERVED them. Such extravagant love – such excessive SERVICE. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34. That's a tall order, isn't it? But that ORDER (Command) is one that can change everything in our own lives AND the world if we would take that COMMAND and act on it.

Christ certainly didn't just talk the TALK -- He walked the WALK. He led by example. Jesus prepared His disciples to carry on. I think that’s Jesus’ message to you and me, too. Surely there are those that cause irritation in our lives. In fact, like Jesus, they may have denied us, deceived us, rejected us, spoke evil against us, and completely disappointed us. Doesn’t it cause us to have a great sense of awareness that He Who was perfect and knew no sin, could set the example for us on how to deal with those honorary folks in our lives?

It certainly makes me pause to ask the question: "Am I a devoted follower of Christ, even to the cross to bear witness of Him and His love for me?" I pray the same words of Peter to Jesus: "Lord, wash me, cleanse me, purify me so that I too may be presented as a vessel of honor to You." What an incredible flow of mercy, love, forgiveness, servitude, and sacrifice that flowed from Jesus then, and continues to flow to us today. Oh Lord, may we be your servants today -- to follow, serve and love You, and others, as You served and loved.

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