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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

We Don't Know What to Do, But Our Eyes Are on You

We live in a mighty crazy, shaky world. Everything seems to be going our way when, in a moment's notice, we can be gripped with fear, concern, and worry. At those times, if we’re keeping our eyes on Jesus, we’ll stand strong no matter what the circumstances are that are swirling around us. Keeping our eyes on Jesus will keep us strong during those shaky times.

When the Israelite King Jehoshaphat first heard about three fierce armies coming to attack his kingdom, we read: “Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the LORD. He proclaimed a fast for all Judah” (2 Chronicles 20:3). Jehoshaphat praised God before he cried out, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”

Life happens. Those times when we don’t know what to do or where to go. We’re quite willing to be directed by God to do and go – but sometimes the doing and going is hard to figure out. I’ll never forget when, like Jehoshaphat, we faced armies of our own. During my husband’s illness, there were many do-gooders who gave us advice. “Take this nutritional product. Trust God. Try this doctor. Go to this facility. Don’t eat this or that.” And, even some well-meaning people, with well-meaning intentions, told us of their own awful experiences or someone they knew who had died from the same illness.

How can we graciously respond to the voices and not give in to fear? God answered King Jehoshaphat — and all of us — by saying, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chron 20:15).
When Jehoshaphat and his armies were confronted with an overwhelming challenge, they prayed instead of worrying. They moved their eyes off the problem onto the ultimate Problem-Solver. Although they didn’t know what to do, they were filled with God’s inexplicable peace as they walked in faith.

Our family did the same thing. When wisdom was needed, we prayed. We didn’t make a decision unless we conferred and prayed about it. We daily sought God for guidance, and He led the way to the best medical teams. We had people around the world praying for us. We ate more nutritiously. We allowed God to fight the battle for us.

God carried us through, defeated the enemies circling us, and, ultimately my sweetheart got his "fast pass" to heaven. Through it all, we trusted in Jesus like never before. We were an example to others of what to do and where to go when you don’t know what to do and where to go. We learned to “keep our eyes always on the LORD. With Him at our right hand, we were not shaken.” (Psalm 16:8).

What are you facing today? The battle is not yours, it’s God’s. Start by praising God for who He is, then rest in the fact that He goes before you to help tackle whatever problem stands in front of you.

Lord, we praise You for Your power. We need only to look to You because You will go before us and fight our battles. Please forgive us for the times we take our eyes off You and become shaken and fearful. Help us step out in faith, knowing You go before us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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