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Saturday, May 4, 2019

My Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

I was awake in the night praying for my granddaughter. She was leaving on her first driving-trip alone to Austin yesterday morning. At 17 she's a great driver, but I send off a quick text message to her: “Looks like lots of rain this morning, sweet girl. Please, please be careful and cautious. Praying angels around you.” I go back to sleep and wake up thinking about her. I better text her and remind her that the Dallas traffic really picks up the later she leaves. (I drive these roads often so I know what lies ahead of her!) I better tell her to leave early before the traffic gets heavy! My text: “Good morning, precious girl. Are you close to heading out? I pray angels all around you, sweet girl. As you’re going down Dallas Tollway, don’t be like me switching lanes. Pick a lane and just stay in it. That’s the best way. Sorry, I’m being a Nana nag. But I love you so much I want you protected and safe. Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to hearing all about it. I love you so so much!”

I call her a couple of hours later and find out she’s safely made it to Italy, Texas and past Carl’s Corner. All is well. What in the world is the matter with this doting Nana? Yes. I am. Proud of it. Each one of my grandchildren has had my special attention, but this girl of five boys, I’m smitten. I think the love dosage has increased of late as I’m seeing my girl blossom into a beautiful young woman who not only cracks me up with her wit but now true wisdom has kicked in on so many levels. I’m so proud of her as she just graduated from high school. And to celebrate, all she asked for was to spend last weekend at her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shawntel’s home with the boys. (I missed out because I was in Tulsa for a reunion with friends.)

I realize I’m having to continue to untie my “Nana” apron strings with the older grands. After Alexia, came Brennan (14) and Bryson (12) so I have more letting go to do with them eventually, but for now I’ll continue to do what I do best. Love them, spend as much time with them as I can…..and pray for them.

It’s expected that a good Mom and Nana keeps her heart and eyes open for them – right? I’ve been on this life path for many years, going before them. I know my subtle “recommendations” to them are often overkill and unneeded, but it’s innate to want them safe and protected and I think it’s my job to ensure that happens. Oh me! Then, the best reality check comes to mind. It isn’t my frugal attempts to keep them safe that makes the difference – it is our all-sufficient and all-loving God Who is overabundant in grace and mercy to handle all that for me.

Reality check. No matter what path we (and our children) walk or drive down, God is one step ahead. No matter what mountain we (and our children) come up against, He is already climbing it. No matter what journey of uncertainty we (and our children) encounter, God is 100 steps further. He’s laying out our path and their path and preparing our steps.

“The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
‘The LORD your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf…” Deuteronomy 1:30

God is famous for caring and preparing us and our children for greater things. He walks ahead to fight our battles. He calms the storms we’re convinced we can’t beat. He softens the blows we worry will take us down. He knows our roads.

Here’s what I know: I worry less when I hand over the worry and concerns to He Who is the waymaker, provider, and caregiver – extraordinaire!

FYI – just got a text from her – “Just stopped at CFA (Chick-fil-A) in Waco! Got a yummy breakfast!” The girl works at CFA and still wants to eat there! No need to worry or fret! The girl’s got game……and chicken!

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