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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Remembering to Write it Down

So if you hang around me at all, you’ve probably seen me pull out my small notebook and write something down. I want to remember what I heard someone say or a thought that ran through my mind. And, many times, something I heard will be the inspiration for an upcoming blog. In fact, my friend was telling me about his experience during his recent prison ministry while showing the prisoners a video of beautiful waterfalls. He remarked to me: "They were so inspired because they had never seen such a beautiful sight!" I wrote in my notebook "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" and that was the topic of a blog I wrote later. My current little notebook has "Blessed" on the cover. That's a bonus because I am reminded when I pick it up to write a note, how BLESSED I am.

I can’t tell you how many times that I DIDN’T write something down and sure wish I had. It's just too busy in this world for us to only rely on our noggin to remember it all. And to add to it, the older we get, the tendency is to forget even more -- especially important things that matter, like a birthday of a close friend, a doctor's appointment, a meeting, an important phone call, and making a grocery list to remember everything we need. We're so busy and have so much mind overload, a little notebook can "save the day" many times. I have understood the value of writing down my experiences. I've kept a journal for years, and when asked, I can refer to my journal for what happened on a particular date. And, now I go a step further, I carry a notebook with me all the time. I even keep a notepad by my bed just in case I think about something in the middle of the night that I need to remember. I also use my cell phone's calendar because, yes, this girl has a busy schedule.

Even if I wasn't a writer and blogger, I would still want to be prepared for that inspiration that comes just at the drop-of-a-hat. I don’t want to miss those moments, because I have missed some and just thought I'd remember them, but didn't! But I've wised up, even when I'm driving. My cell phone has a memo recorder on it, and now, I'll record a thought or inspiration. And, eventually, I had the subject of my post, blog or teaching just waiting for me.

So carry that notebook, put a pad and paper next to the bed, and record or jot down those inspirational moments that could be part of "your story" someday. I'm always encouraging mamas and daddies to journal those cute little stories of their kids. I promise you, you'll want to recall them someday. I know that neither you or I want to regret those unwritten, forgotten inspirations and joys.

Wouldn’t it be better to take a moment, write it down and then someday tell an incredible story on a talk show about how inspiration hit you on the 405 and BAM -- the greatest novel ever? Write that down, because when that day comes, REMEMBER it was ME that told you.....and I'll say, "You're welcome!"

Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets so that a runner can carry the correct message to others."

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