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Thursday, May 9, 2019

#TBT – Grateful for Praying Matriarchs

I don’t see as many Throwback Thursday photos as I once did, so I’m reviving it today. Just a few days before celebrating Mother’s Day, I wanted to pay tribute to my praying matriarchs: on the left, my mother-in-law, Lydia Wuerch (still with us and doing so well at 96) and on the right, my angel Mom, Edna Wheat. These two women were my mentors and the greatest influences I could have ever had as Godly women and mothers. Best friends, they were also visionaries. They KNEW that their two kids were meant for each other.

Last week, after I asked a radiology technician if he had a family, he shared: “Oh yes. I’m married with three children. Our marriage was arranged.” I quickly injected “Mine, too! I’ll tell you about mine after you tell me about yours!” He went on. “My parents wanted me to marry this girl I had never met. I told them that I didn’t want an arranged marriage. But, I honored them and flew to her country to meet her. We met. Our love was immediate. We married the next day. She is the love of my life. My parents prayed about it and I prayed about it and I know God gave her to me.”

My "praying" grandmother introduced me to my future husband at age 12. She was the go-between saying “Ronnie Wuerch likes you” and back to him, “Donna Sue likes you”. Between her, my mother, my husband’s mother AND God, our marriage was arranged. I owe so much of who I am to those three powerful, praying women of God. They literally prayed us together -- and those prayers kept us together. We watched their example as they went through tough times, and came through them because of their unwavering faith. They impressed upon us that tough times don't last, but tough people who believe in commitment, keeping their promises and vows -- that they'll be honored for keeping them. How I thank them for their unwavering support and relentless prayers for us. They not only talked the talk -- they walked the walk in their own lives.

I honor these precious matriarchs and all they've stood for, lived for and set the example for us to follow. By their example, I've learned that praying for our children, sharing our years of wisdom-learned with them is part of God’s plan in “Training them up in the ways they should go and when they’re old, they’ll not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

On this #TBT, I must honor the greatest Mother of all -- our Lord’s most blessed-among-women Mother Mary. Just think about the great responsibility she had for raising the Son of God. Her greatest example was “She pondered. She treasured these things in her heart.” I know we mamas do a lot of that, and it wouldn’t hurt at all to amp up the pondering and treasuring instead of speaking our mind so much. I’m quite sure Mary had the same instincts of motherhood that we have – doting, imagining her Son's future, wanting Him to flourish. Luke 2:52 says “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” I imagine that if Jesus were here with us in the flesh today, He would probably talk about His Mama and what she meant to Him. He might say something like this: “It was my Mom’s wisdom, influence, support, and love that molded me into the Man of God I was destined to be! She encouraged me and instilled in me there wasn’t anything I couldn’t accomplish and do. Her unconditional love inspired me to love unconditionally. She always believed in me. She always prayed for me.”

And those are the words I say about my grandmother and my two moms. And those are the desires I have for being that mother and grandmother to my beloveds.

(FYI -- the family photo is from Mother's Day, 1968, and is left to right: My grandmother (the arranger), my mom, my husband's grandparents, my mother and father-in-law, me, Ron and Ryan)

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