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Sunday, May 19, 2019

We’ve Arrived….Well, Maybe Not!

I think back on my life and the times I thought I had “arrived”. I had a boyfriend at last! I’ve arrived! I graduated from high school. I’ve arrived. I landed a great job. I've arrived! I got married. I’ve arrived. I had a baby --- then, two babies! I’ve arrived. In reality, those were never arrivals. They were simply journeys that still continue – even to today.

Once upon a time, I thought being a Christian was a “you’ve arrived kind of thing.” The truth is: I haven't arrived. I am still in great need of my Savior. I must lean on him...24/7. Sometimes I'd like to retreat -- even for a 10-minute nap! To say it’s often a battle puts it mildly. But the crazy good news is this – the battle is good. Good for us. It makes us warriors.

God has the game plan and assures us of a win....eventually. So I’ve come to be okay with the battle. We often get "bruised and battered" in the combat, but the battle makes us wiser and more aware of the same old schemes and tactics of the enemy of our souls. We get stronger. He gets dumber. He is such a loser.

The truth is our faith journey isn’t about arriving. It is about carrying on. We "pick up our cross and follow Jesus" -- no turning back. Our journey is about grabbing hold of the hem of Jesus’ garment and hanging on for dear life. And while we're holding on, we trust that the enemy is waving the white flag of surrender and shouting "CEASE FIRE"! But we don't cease fire. We are in it to win it and no doubt we will because the Lord is with us as a mighty warrior (Jeremiah 20:11).

I've had my times on the battlefield. I assure you -- all the battle scars turn into our testimony. People hear our story and are often star-struck at God in us. We point heavenward because you and I both know, it is a miracle that we’re still here and we’re still standing -- because of God's amazing grace!

This faith ride that we’re on isn’t a one-time ticket where we can say “I’ve arrived!” it is a continual commute. It is a consistent day-by-day, in the trenches of life, even being engaged in an ongoing battle that must be fought minute-by-minute. We are in the middle of it each day and we will not surrender. We will not give up because, in God’s sight and His all-knowing end of the story – we win. It all counts. It is all worth it. God sees. The celebrations will begin when we step over to the other side and it all will be worth it. In the meantime.....we suit up, show up and FORWARD march!

"Christ, the royal Master leads against the foe; forward into battle. See, His banners go! Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before."

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