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Friday, June 7, 2019

Cheers to the Underachievers who Overcame!

Cheers to the Underachievers who Overcame!
I love following my friends’ posts on Facebook and social media -- especially this time of year when they are proudly celebrating their children's graduations and academic achievements, as well as announcing the ivy league or major state universities that they will be attending in the fall. I always congratulate the entire family because it takes a village -- an entire village of teachers, coaches, counselors, mentors and most of all, parents and siblings that helped facilitate those achievements. I applaud all of you. Oh, the places those graduates will go!

For today's post, however, I'm leaning into those families who were over-the-moon thrilled because they even made it to graduation because it was a tough field to hoe for their child. They didn't have the financial means to put their kids in all of the sports, clubs, groups or other extracurricular activities. I want to cheer for the single moms or dads who didn't have a village to support them. In fact, they had to work two jobs just to put food on the table and ensure their kids had a sack lunch to take with them instead of buying cafeteria food.

I want to applaud all the young people who were willing to get an after-school job to help out with the family budget. I want to celebrate those who weathered the storms of conflict in their home where parents weren't getting along or where a sibling or parent’s health required their extra attention. Maybe they had to step up and be a cook and do more chores to help out. God bless the young people who were willing to walk to school or ride the bus while other kids were dropped off at the door. God bless them even more for not complaining – for sticking to their goals of finishing. And they did. They walked across that platform to receive their diploma because they earned it. Here’s what I know…..the eyes of THE ONE saw them and I’m quite sure He is bursting with pride and joy because they are one of His and He will use them.

Regardless whether you are the best of the best, the star athlete, the “best dressed”, the one voted “most likely to succeed” and the leader of all…..God can use you, too! Just look at St. Paul who was a renown scholar AND a servant. And, God uses "commoners" -- like most of us. Just look at His disciples -- fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot. I pray God blesses each and every one of you -- those who are blessed with means, talents, and abilities and those who are stretching to be the best you can be and have talents and abilities in your own right! I praise God Who specializes in using very ordinary, everyday people AND those with degrees and pedigrees to change the world. The over AND underachievers are designed by God to be those who do something that lasts throughout eternity -- to do some things that outlast us. We aren’t so entangled with stuff as we are caught up in bearing the burdens of others even less fortunate than us, being the hands and feet of Jesus to the hurting, the ones Who wake up saying “What are my marching orders for today, God?” Wherever we’ve been and wherever we’re going – may it be God’s divine plan that assures us we landed right where we were supposed to land – right in the smack dab middle of God’s plans and purposes for our lives.

So here’s to the overachievers who worked hard, studied hard, and received the accolades and honors you deserved. And, here’s to the underachievers who overcame so many obstacles and you MADE IT! Now, may we all come together to be the kind of people who are radical in our faith and determination to be examples of God’s love in the world and who help change it!

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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