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Monday, June 24, 2019

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
I sent that message to my best friend yesterday. She has a busy life and so do I, but we do our best to stay connected. I forgot they were away in a remote location without cell, so no wonder I was saying "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Those words are actually from one of my earliest memories, playing “Hide and Seek”. Now, my fondest memories are playing it with children and grandchildren.

My memory of playing the game was the nervousness that would build as the “it” person started counting. I’d run looking for the spot that would conceal me perfectly. Sometimes I’d peek around the corner to see if the “it” person was anywhere near and, oh, that feeling when the “it” person was only a few feet away. My heart would beat faster. Every-so-often I’d get fortunate. They’d keep going, and I’d breathe a quiet sigh of relief. As I stood or crouched there, I would listen for the words I longed to hear -- the words I knew meant the game was over. “Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!” When I heard that phrase I knew my hiding place had been successful!

Our Hide and Seek games don't always stay in our childhood or always stay so fun and innocent. I remember David and how often he was hiding from his enemies. When he wrote Psalm 31, things weren't going well for him. He was tired, weak, and hurting. His enemies were chasing him, and his friends had let him down. His life was at risk but he was not defenseless. He knew that God was the best source of safety and that a right relationship with Him was the wisest defense strategy. That’s where he found his security. Just as a small child finds hope in calling out for his older brother when threatened by a bully, David called on the name of the Lord. Because he was living in fellowship with Him, he hid in the security of the One who had helped him so many times before.

I remember the one thing that could ruin a good game of Hide and Seek. It was the cheater who peeked while they counted. They always knew where everyone was hiding and was quick to find them. Well, that’s the enemy of our souls who cheats and wants to destroy us. It is the cheater who makes us go into hiding when things don't go our way and life gets difficult But where we hide can make all the difference. Often, we hide by becoming reclusive – staying away from fellowship and friendship with others. We may hide in regret for mistakes we’ve made. But today, it's time to stop playing those games and "Come out. Come out. Wherever you are."

The cheater-enemy has been caught so we don’t have to stay in hiding places any longer. The Psalmist said, “You are my hiding place." (Psalm 32:7) "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91:1) -- NOT he who dwells in the closet of negativity and doubt, but in the shelter of the Most High where we abide under the shelter of the Almighty and we find our strength and hope in Him. David knew where his hiding place was. Are we as quick to seek that same security? God was a sure hiding place for David, and He is also the One we hide in and cling to for our protection. Safety is not found in the absence of danger but in the presence of God.

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