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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Grumbling, Murmuring, and Whining -- Sound Familiar?

On the way home from VBS yesterday, I called a friend and immediately she began to tell me that she wasn’t in a happy place right now. She wasn't feeling the "sunshine on a cloudy day" at all! Lots of "life" stuff had her in a pinch. On the contrary, I was in a happy place. I was still basking in the “rush” of having been with kindergarten through fifth-grade kids all morning who were learning “When life is unfair; God is good” and “When life is scary; God is good” and “When life changes; God is good”. On top of that, I was still in the afterglow of having been in their presence of joy, often hilarious antics, and, the best part was seeing them grasp the message that no matter what we face in life – GOD IS GOOD”.

So I said to my friend: “You know what – you need to hang out with some kids to get your joy back. Her reply back to me? “Maybe that’s why Jesus kept wanting kids around Him!” WOW! I had an “aha” moment of Mark 10:13-16 which should be in neon lights: “People were bringing little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone, who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it’, and He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them.”

Can’t you just imagine, in the company of all the misfit disciples, the self-righteous religious folks, the demon-possessed, mean, mean, angry people, along with those who were very sick and even dead – that Jesus would jump at the chance to hang out with precious little children when they came to Him? I can almost see Him putting out His arms to push everyone else back and open His arms up with gratitude for the breath of fresh air that those children brought to Him. So, no wonder I write this blog and impress upon those who are down, weary, and worn to spend some time with care-free, joy-filled children. Let their care-free hearts and joy-filled spirits rub off on you.

Yesterday’s VBS theme was “When change comes, God is good!” The Israelites met up with many changes – escaping Egypt, the miracle of the Red Sea parting and walking through on dry ground. But just three days into their journey and without water, they were murmuring, grumbling and whining. Then they came upon the Oasis of Marah, but the water was so bitter that it was “yucky”! So they complained even more. God told Moses to throw a stick in the water and it was pure and refreshing. Another miracle. Then they were so hungry and God sent manna to them overnight. Another miracle. The kids loved the action of tasting the water and the manna (we used potato flakes). Another miracle. One little girl raised her hand and said “It tastes like the Body of Christ!” Oh, my heart was full.

Just think about Jesus rebuking His disciples when they wanted the children to go away. It was no small rebuke: when Mark relayed the story, he said that *Jesus was indignant…” He wasn’t simply annoyed, or just slightly bothered. He was incensed that His disciples came to a conclusion that sought to exclude children from His presence! Why? Because all of us matter to Him. No matter their age or status (or lack thereof), He is not too important, too busy, too taxed, or too powerful, even for children. In fact, it’s just the opposite: He values and loves children, and seeks to bless them.

The last verse of that scripture says: Jesus took the little children “in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.” I like to think that God is smiling down BIG on those of us who are being Jesus hands and feet at VBS this week. Maybe it would be in your best interest to look for ways to be around sweet children, too! I promise you – you will be far more blessed than you can imagine. God specializes in child-care and I’m thinking… do I.

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