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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

With All These Conveniences……Could I Do Less?

Someone asked me how I could possibly devote so much time to my blog every day – 365 days a year. My response: I know God gave me this mission to be an encourager and a light in the darkness. I promised to fulfill that mission from the get-go. My "ministry" platform just happens to be on social media. What a convenient way of spreading the Good News -- unlike the ways of our forefathers.

It wasn't so convenient last week at our cabin in the woods without easy access to wifi. I wrote my blog during the day and had it ready to go “live” the next morning by 6 am. I was up at my usual 5 am, but unlike at home, so as not to wake the other sleeping family members, I’d creep around using a flashlight, then quietly exit out the front door to my car. I used the flashlight to break up the pitch black darkness. It was eerie – not knowing what might be lurking somewhere in the woods. One thing I knew for sure – the same God Who called me to it, would see me through it. I drove about three miles to where there was decent wifi to post my blog from my phone. I felt victorious each day when it went "live"!

That was such a minuscule inconvenience compared to the Apostle Paul's location in “posting” his writings! He penned or dictated Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans, and from his PRISON CELL, he penned or dictated Ephesians, Philemon, Colossians, and Philippians, then, 1 Timothy and Titus, and during his second Roman imprisonment, he wrote 2 Timothy. He probably wrote with a quill pen and parchment if given that “luxury”, but if not, he probably dictated to others from his prison cell window.

How could I not obey the same voice of the Holy Spirit who spoke to Paul? If he could carry out God’s call in conditions beyond comprehension in a cold, dark, damp prison cell -- without a computer, wifi, car, air-conditioned or heated home or office with electricity, a near-by restroom and kitchen stocked with food, running cold or hot water, and the comfort of a cozy bed (Need I say more?), how could I not fulfill this sweet and comfortable mission that God has given me? What a wuss I would be to complain in any way!

I do sense the Holy Spirit's leading each day for writing what I need personally and for what someone else may need to hear to kickstart their day. I know it’s easy to scan through such a wordy FB post or my blog website ( ). But, most importantly, is the message that I convey to hopefully help someone feel so deeply loved by Father God which causes them to love deeper, to rejoice and live in gratitude more. That they begin to live in audacious faith in spite of the storms. That they share with someone else one of the messages that may inspire and motivate them to pursue God with all their hearts.

I will not give up until I’m taken up. I want to run into St. Paul in heaven, applaud him and say “Way to go with all that incredible example of faithfulness of giving us God’s words because they sure made a difference in my life.” And, in some small token of faithfulness, I hope to hear those words from those I might have inspired to finish their race strong – just like St. Paul told us to! How could we do less than give our best to God Who gave His all? 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

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